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Adam's: POV

"Emily." called, but I got no answer. "Where are you?" asked Luke. "Please Emily, answer us." I said. I ran through the woods and called my daughter's name several times. I had a worried feeling in my body. After a while, I saw her standing at the edge of a cliff.

I laid her on the ground and she screamed in her sleep

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I laid her on the ground and she screamed in her sleep. "She's breathing." I said and stroked her cheek. "You're okay." replied Luke and wrapped a blanket around her. "Let's go home." I said. I picked up my daughter and we went back home.


I laid a mattress on the floor and laid down Emily. I made up a fire to keep her warm. Olivia looked worried at her sister. Flower lay down next to her and whimpered sadly.

"Emily hasn't been sleepwalking since she was three." I said. "I'm worried." replied Luke. "Me too." said Vanessa. "I thought everything had calmed down." I replied. "I know a way to protect her." said Aurora. "How?" I asked. "Let me show you." she said. Aurora opened a salt jar and made a circle around her. Then she mumbled a spell. "No one can hurt her now." she said. "Thank you Aurora." I replied. "What would we do without you." said Luke and she smiled.

I feel for Emily

I hope you liked the chapter


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