He's not the one you think he is

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Vanessa's: POV

We were standing outside a huge dark manor. I swallowed nervously. This is a bad idea." said Raven. "I have to find out the truth about Ben." I replied. "By breaking into his house." said Raven. "Yes." I replied. "You're incredible." she said.

We went into the house and I shone with my flashlight. It was very quiet, I could hear my heart pounding with fear. Maybe it wasn't so good idea after all.

Suddleny a scream echoed through the manor. Raven already pale face turned more paler. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "Yes, can we go now?" she asked. "Come." I said. "Nessie, wait." replied Raven.

We went upstaris and we heard a new scream. I opened a door and froze. A light went out of the wind draft.

Everywhere on the floor lay dead bodies of vampires

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Everywhere on the floor lay dead bodies of vampires. My stomach turned inside out. Ben stuck in a stake in a man's heart and he screamed. I took Raven's hand and we ran out from the manor. Vlad followed us, but we were too fast. He looked at us with hate in his eyes.

"He's a..." started Rae. "He's a vampire slayer." I said. "The blood, the dead bodies." she replied with a shudder. "I have to warn papa." I said. "He won't believe us." replied Emma. "You're right." I said.


Luke's: POV

"Hello, I'm home." I said. "Dad, can we talk?" asked Vanessa. "Not now, I'm busy." I said. "It's about Ben, he's not the one you think he is." she replied. "I told you to give him a change." I said. "Papa, you don't understand." replied Nessie. "I hope you're more kind to him because he's gonna be your stepfather." I said. "Are you out of your freaking mind?" she asked upset.

"Ben will be my husband, whether you like it or not." I said. "He's a vampire slayer, he has tortured dad." replied Vanessa. "Adam deserved it." I said. "You've really moved on." replied Vanessa. "Yes, unlike you." I said. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary. Is that... is that supposed to be you moving on?" I asked. "I hate you." yelled Vanessa and ran crying to her room.

Many secrets were revealed that day

I hope you liked the chapter


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