Please help me

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Emily's: POV

I was walking on a abandoned train rails all alone. The sky was foggy and the air was chilly. Snow lay on the ground and smoke came out of my mouth when I breathed. I had no idea where I was.

"Please help me" said a voice in my head

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"Please help me" said a voice in my head. I went into the woods and voices became stronger. "You have to help me, she will kill me." said the voice. Then I arrived to a cottage and a girl with light gray eyes looked out of the window.

(Bella Black)

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(Bella Black)

I walked in and she ran up to me. She couldn't be older then eight or nine. "I'm scared." she sobbed. "Shhh, you're safe now." I replied calmly. "I'm freezing." she said. "I'll made up a fire, where's your partens by the way?" I asked. "They're dead." said the girl sadly. "I'm so sorry for your loss, my name is Emily and you are safe with me." I replied. "My name is Bella Black." she said.

"Do you want to come out and collect wood?" I asked and Bella nodded. I put my jacket around her and then we out. It had started to snow more and the air was chillier.
We passed a frozen lake and the ground was full of woods. I would just pick up a branch when I saw Bella on the ice.

"Get away from the ice." I said. "We could skates here." replied Bella happily. "Listen to me, the ice can burst and the water is freezing." I said. "Come and get me." she laughed. "It won't hold us both." I said. "Or are you afraid of water?" asked Bella and smirked. I took a deep breath and went out to her.

Bella laughed and danced around on the ice. I was only a few meter away from her when the ice burst under my feet. I fell into the water and it felt like a thousand knives were stabbing me. Next to Bella stood a woman with dark clothes. Bella was already dead and her plan was to kill me. She looked at me and smiled evilly. I fell deeper and deeper. My heart stopped to beat and I closed my eyes.


I sat up in my bed and breathed heavily. Dad rushed in and hugged me. "Shhh, it was only a nightmare." he said calmly. "It was so horrible." I replied and tears were streaming down my face. "It's over now, I don't let anybody hurt you." he said and patted my cheek. I hugged him and he comforted me.

I'm glad it was only a nightmare

I hope you liked the chapter.


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