I'm Michelle

21 3 15

Emily's: POV

I was walking around in the forest in the rain. Olivia was in her wolf form and she was so happy.

A branch broke and I held my breath

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A branch broke and I held my breath. "Who's there? show yourself." I said. A girl with long messy hair came up to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." she said. "You didn't." I replied. "I'm Michelle." she said. "I'm Emily and this is my little sister Olivia. She's a werewolf." I replied with a smile on my face. "Nice to meet you two." she said.


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I told her I was on the run and she was on the run too. Michelle told me that her little sister was dying and she was looking for a cure.

"I'll help you find the cure." I said. "Thank you so much Emily." she replied and hugged me. "You're welcome." I said and hugged her back. She pulled away and smiled. "Are you hungry? I'm starving." she replied. "I'm very hungry." I said. "Let's find some food." replied Michelle and I nodded my head.


We were inside an abandoned house and ate food. Olivia was eating too. I told Michelle about my powers and I had blew up my school.

"I ran away from home because I didn't want to hurt my family. I can't control my powers and I lose control sometimes." I said. "I'm sorry." replied Michelle. "It's okay." I said. "I miss my mom, I haven't seen her since I was two. My little sister and I were taken from her and placed in an orphanage." she replied sadly. "That's awful." I said.

She opened her locket and showed me a photo of her mom. I looked shocked at her. "What's wrong?" asked Michelle. "You're my cousin." I said. "What?" she asked. "Olivia is my aunt and her brother is my papa." I said. "I have an uncle?" asked Michelle shocked. "Yes." I said. "Omg." she replied. I hugged her and we cried.

Emily found her long lost cousin

I hope you liked the chapter


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