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Aurora's: POV

I arrived to the asylum and a uncomfortable feeling filled my body. I could only imagine all the horrible things.


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I opened the door and walked in. I lit my flashlight and my heart was pounding with fear. I look brave, but mental hospital scares me.

Suddleny I heard voices and I hid in a corner. I held my breath while they passed me. When the coast was clear, I went upstairs.

I found a empty corridor with many doors. I let out a sigh of relief when I found one with Emily's name. I turned the handle, but it was locked.

"Emily, can you hear me?" I asked. "Who's there?" she asked. "It's me, Aurora." I said. "You have get out of here." she replied. "I'm not going anywhere without you." I said. "Please Rrora." replied Emily. I picked up a laser and melted the locket. I helped Emily out and we hurried out of the building.


Luke's: POV

I had just returned back home from work. I saw a taxi outside my house and two people stepped out.

 I saw a taxi outside my house and two people stepped out

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I saw a girl with purple hair and she was pretty skinny. Then I realized who it was and a smile spred on my face. I ran up to Emily and hugged her

"I thought I'd never see you again." I said. "Aurora saved me." she replied. "Thank you." I said. "You're welcome." she replied. I hugged my daugthers and they smiled.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

I'm so glad Aurora saved Emily

I hope you liked the chapter


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