Love is in the air

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Aurora: POV

"Look at the birds." said Emily. "They're so pretty." replied Vanessa. "I agree." I said. "Thank you for this Rora." they replied. "No problem." I said. Olivia played with my hair and I smiled. The sun shone through the leaves and the air was warm.

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We went to a park and had picnic. Everything was good until a ball come flying.

"Ow." I said when the ball hit her leg. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" asked a boy worried. "Yeah." I said. "I didn't mean to hit your leg." he excused. "It's okay, I'm Aurora Lambert by the way." I present. "Charlie Salvatore." he said. "Nice to meet you." I replied with a smile on my face.

(Charlie Salvatore)

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(Charlie Salvatore)

"I have to go now, but can I get your number?" he asked. "Sure." I said and we changed phone numbers. "Thanks Aurora, I hope I see you again." he said before he left. "Same here." I repiled.

"Somebody's in love." said Emily. "Maybe, I don't know." I replied, but my cheeks turned red. "I haven't seen you so happy in a very long time." said dad. "I'm in love with him." I admitted. "Aurora is happy." said Emily and clapped her hands. I hugged her and she giggled softly.


was in my room when my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen with a smile on my face.

Hey Aurora, I just wanted to say hi😊

Hey Charlie. It was really fun to meet you today and I would like to see you again😊

Where in Stockbridge do you live, I can pick you up tomorrow if you want to. You've funny sisters by the way.

I gave him my address Thanks, their names are Vanessa, Emily, Audrey and Olivia. They're the best sisters in the whole world💕

We chatted with each other late in the evening and a wonderful feeling filled my body. I was so in love with him and he made me so happy. I sent away a good night to him and he sent back a heart. I fell asleep with a smile on my face that night.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

I'm so happy for Aurora

I hope you liked the chapter


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