My mother said I'm too romantic, she said you're dancing in the movies

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Zac's: POV


October 31th 1462: Transylvania

"Welcome Zac." said Dracula. "Thanks for the invitation." I replied. "I didn't want you to miss my Masquerade ball." he said.

A man went up to us and he smiled at me. "This is my friend Jack Petrova." said Dracula. "My name is Zac." I replied. "Nice to meet you." he said and shook my hand. His skin was very cold.

(Jack Petrova)

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(Jack Petrova)

I notice that several of the guests were looking at me. A man licked his lips. I felt very uncomfortable.

"Why are they looking at me?" I asked. "Don't care about them." said Jack. "I shouldn't have come." I replied. "Come Zac, let's have some fun instead." he said. "Okay." I replied.


I kissed him and he was breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yes." said Jack. I continued to kiss him and his face changed. "Your eyes." I replied scared. He pulled my head aside and bite me.

"You drank my blood." I said shocked. "Yes I did." he said. "You are a vampire." I replied. "Don't be afraid." said Jack. "I'm not." I replied. Do you want to spend an eternity with me?" he asked. "I would love to." I said. "I have to turn you." replied Jack. "I don't mind being a vampire." I said. He bit his wrist and fed me with his blood. I closed my eyes and my heart stopped beating. "Sleep well, my darling." he whispered.

-End of the flashback-

Jack turned Zac into a vampire that night.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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