This is for my family

19 3 12

Aurora's: POV

I returned back to Ben's house later in the evening. I walked to his room nd he slept deeply. "This is for my family." I said and stabbed him with a white oak stake. His skin turned gray and he was dead. We would finally get our freedom. A wolf came in and looked at me. He wanted me to follow him.

Suddenly he got a track and I followed him to a cave

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Suddenly he got a track and I followed him to a cave. I lit my flashlight and went down after him. He howled again and his eyes shone of fear. "What is it?" I asked. He ran to a cell and he howled.

On the ground lay a girl with messy  hair. Her clothes was dirty and she was covered with wounds and bruises. She barely breathed and he looked sadly at her. I broke the door and picked up her cold body in my arms. Then we went back home.


She woke up after I had given her my blood. "I'm so sorry." said Emily. "It's okay honey, it's over." I replied and she smiled.

"Hey Emily." said Luke. "Papa." she replied happily and hugged him. "Oh my dear daughter." he said and kissed her forehead. "I've missed you." she said. "Me too." he replied with a smile on his face. "Emily." replied Adam and her sisters. Emily hugged them and cried. Flower barked happily and licked her. "Oh Flower." said Emily and hugged her dog. "Thank you Aurora." replied Adam. "You're welcome." I said. "Stay out of danger now please." replied papa. "I'll try." said Emily. "You are hopeless." he replied. "Love you too." she said and he laughed.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

Aurora killed Ben and saved Emily

I hope you liked the chapter


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