Movie night

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Raven's: POV

We were watching a horror movie. Vanessa was holding my hand. She's so cute when she's scared. A woman gave us rude glances. I gave her the middle finger. Nessie were smiling proudly. The movie ended after two hours. We went out of the cinema and the air was chilly.

"I had so much fun tonight!" said Vanessa. "Me too." I replied. "Did you see the woman's face?" she asked. "Yes." I said laughing. "It was so funny." replied Nessie.

"The fate probably wanted us to be together!" said Vanessa. "I'm glad I met you, I feel so lucky." I replied. "I feel the same." she said and I smiled happily. I wrapped my arms around her neck and looked into her blue eyes. I covered her mouth with a kiss. Vanessa kissed me back. I love her so much.


It knocked on the door and I opened the door. A blonde girl was standing outside and she was wearing a school uniform. "You." I said shocked. "Hello Raven." she said with a smirk on her face. "Corneila." I replied. "Missed me babe?" she asked.


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Corneila is Raven's ex-girlfriend.

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