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Aurora's: POV

I opened the doors and Max turned around. "Who are you?" he asked. "My name is Aurora, Vanessa's sister." I said. "You're a easy prey for her." repiled Max. "I know you tried to do the exactly same thing with other vampires, but Vanessa was too smart for you." I said.

I noticed a small bottle on the table. "Yes, but you are here all alone." he replied evilly and went up to me. I killed him and took the bottle.


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I returned back to the house and gave the cure to Vanessa. "Where am I?" she asked confused. "I'm glad you're back." I said. "What happened?" she asked.

"It's a long story." I said. "I've no idea what you're talking about." replied Vanessa. "It's best so." I said. She hugged me and cried. "It's over now honey." I replied. "Thank you for being my sister." said Vanessa. "I'll always be your sister, no matter what." I replied. "I love you." she said. "I love you too." I replied. I wiped away her tears and she smiled.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

Vanessa is a normal vampire again.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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