You're under a spell

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Adam's: POV

I was walking in a dark forest, it was very foggy and the light was dim. I thought I heard voices and I followed the sound. I saw a man stake a vampire. I saw his face and gasped.

"Well well, look who we've here." said Luke with a smirk on his face. I saw the necklace around his neck. "Listen Luke, you're under a spell." I replied. "I don't have time with your nonsense." he said. "The necklace you're wearing is crused, it makes you hate  supernatural creatuers and me." I replied.

The last sentence hurt to say. "This necklace has been in my family for generations. Everyone has this necklace. My sister has one too." said Luke. "Please take it off." I replied.

"Luke has promised me to never take it off." said Ben. "You're a monster." I replied coldly. "Well, I didn't abandon my family or husband when he was pregnant." he said. "I did a mistake and I'm sorry." I replied. "It's too late to say sorry now." replied Luke. "Go now, before we kill you." said Ben and wiped off blood from his knife. I left the place quickly.


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Jack's: POV

"Do you like it?" asked the waiter. "The food was delicious, it was a while since I ate a good dinner." I said. The waiter nodded uncertain. "I like your hair by the way, brave of you." he replied and walked away. I opened my phone and my dark hair was covered with gray hairs.
What's happing with me? I thought for myself. I pulled up the hood and went to a shop and bought dark hair color. I was too young to have gray hair. Then I went back to home and dyed my hair.

I hate Ben for turning Luke evil

I hope you liked the chapter


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