If It's Meant to Be (?)

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Chapter 45

Kai left and walked down the ramp to the garage. As he drove to Asylum St., he thought about Finn's conversation this morning. He never realized how strong Finn's feelings were for Rory. Now with both Logan and Rory back in Hartford, it might cause a problem. Tonight's trip to New York City is just what they all need.

Arriving at H&S, Kai found a spot not far from the front door. Kai grabbed his drink and walked into the building where Jonah, the security guard, greeted him.

"Hi, I'm Kai Morgan," he said when he walked in. "My project manager called; he asked me to meet him about a problem they are having with the renovation on the thirty-fifth floor."

"Yes, Mr. Morgan. I was expecting you. Here is the code so you can use the back elevator."

"Thank you," Kai said.

Stepping into the elevator, Kai punched in the code then pulled out his cell phone to contact Christopher Hayden. The phone went directly to voicemail, and Kai left a quick message. He then tried calling Eric's number. After four rings, Eric's phone went to voicemail.

"You've reached Eric Brady at Hayden and Sons Publishing. I'm unable to come to the phone right now. But if you leave your name, number, and a short message, I'll return your call."

"Eric, this is Kai Morgan. I'm at Hayden and Sons, meeting with the project manager. They ran into some problems. Give me a call as soon as you get my message. 332-555-1001. Thanks."

Frustrated, Kai shut his phone. He realized that this could push the project back at least one month. Settling himself, he stepped out of the elevator when the doors opened on the thirty-fifth floor. Declan, his project manager, was standing in the hallway talking with the building's general manager and chief engineer. Kai walked over to the group of men. He nodded to the men standing beside Declan.

"Declan, what's going on?" he inquires.

"Hey boss, this is Tony Macaluso and Norm Fields, the general manager and chief engineer at Hayden and Sons," Declan responded, introducing them to Kai.

"Gentlemen, it's nice to see you again.," Kai said, shaking their hands. "What seems to be the problem?"

"We have a problem with the walls over there?" Declan pointed toward the walls around Rory's old office.

"What seems to be the problem?" Kai asked as he walked over to it. Demolition had begun on the walls, exposing cables and electrical wires. Someone had removed the drop ceiling, exposing wires and cables that were now hanging.

"I received a phone call from the project manager when they knocked into the wall this morning," Declan explained. "Instead of tearing the wall out and replacing it, someone put up a false wall covering the damage that occurred during a fire."

Kai looked at the ceiling and the walls then walked into the hallway. Looking up, he noticed that the cables were not up to code. Some of the wires appeared frayed as if some animals had chewed them.

"This isn't good. Have you seen the wires? Do most of the wires look like this?" Kai inquired, showing them the damaged wires and cable.

Tony and Norm looked at the wires. "Damn, it looks like some animals have gotten up there." Tony reached up and pulled the wire and cable down.

"Boss, it looks like all the wires are not up to code. They will need to be replaced with new cable and wire," Declan said to Kai.

"Declan, did you bring the blueprints with you?" Kai asked.

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