Chapter 1 Emergency

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Chapter 1 Emergency

"Zac, call 911, something is wrong with Rory," Lane screamed at Zac as she rushed out the door and saw Rory kneeling on the ground holding her stomach.

"This is 911, how can I help you."

"Yes please send an ambulance to 32 Elm Street. My friend is on the ground doubled over."

Zac came running back to Lane after he ended the call and said, "They will be here shortly. Rory don't worry everything will be okay."

"Rory dear, what happened? Zac did you call the ambulance?" Babette go get blankets for her," said Miss Patty,

They could hear the siren's coming. Rory grabbed Lane's hand.

"I should have never gone to New Hampshire. They always leave. Please don't leave me?" she whispered to Lane and closed her eyes as another pain ripped through her abdomen.

Lane looked at her strangely. What was she talking about? "Rory, Rory. Wake up."

The ambulance pulled up and two EMT's came running out. The Head EMT was familiar with Stars Hollow. As he and his young partner came running with the gurney and bag, he saw the beautiful young woman on the ground with her eyes closed. He remembered watching that same face. It looked like she was sleeping. Saying a quick prayer in his head, "Please God, let her be alright," he quickly sprang into action.

"Mac, get the gurney overhear. Everyone please step back. Let us through."

"Lane, what happened?" he asked the young woman sitting on the ground next to her.

"Dean, Dean?" Lane looked up at him, her old classmate and Rory's ex-boyfriend from high school. "I didn't know you were an EMT."

"Yes, can you tell me what happened."

"I heard her scream and Miss Patty and I came running out of my house. Rory was doubled over in pain and couldn't move."

He took her pulse and quickly examined her. She had fainted, her blood pressure was high and her pulse was very fast. They quickly put her on the gurney while Rory held her abdomen and moaned. As he was lifting her up he noticed that her sweatpants were bloody. He wondered where she was bleeding. He decided that the faster they get her to the ER, the sooner they could evaluate her.

"Lane, did Rory have any ID on her?"

Lane looked around and found Rory's purse on the ground beside her. She must have dropped it. She handed it to Dean then he and Mac went to put her in the ambulance.

"I'm going with you," Lane said and quickly climbed in the back of the ambulance.

Mac looked at Dean, he nodded remembering how close the two women were.

Kirk and Lulu were in Luke's diner with Taylor having breakfast when the ambulance came. Babette and Morey went outside leaving their breakfast. Jess looked at Taylor and with a snide remark he said, "Aren't you and Kirk going to check it out too?"

"No, Babette will tell us all about it when she comes in I am sure. I told everyone last month we needed our own, Medical Center. We could hire local people, LPN's and nurses' aides to treat people. We could save so much money."

"Yes and I would start up my own service to transport them, I could put the seats down in the back of my Subaru to transport the victims and Lulu could dispense the aspirin."

Jess just shook his head and took the next three plates of food and brought it over to them.

Looking out the window he said, "Since when is Forester and EMT? I thought he was married and lived here in Stars Hollow."

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