Chapter 33 Family Dinner and Conversation

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Chapter 33 Family Dinner and Conversation

Tristan pulled into the parking lot beside the First and Last Tavern on Maple Street. With his hand on Rory's lower back, they walked in and stood to wait for the hostess. As Rory and Tristan stood waiting at the hostess desk, the aroma of the tomatoes and cheese made her stomach growl.

"It smells heavenly in here, no wonder my mother suggested this place," Rory said, leaning into Tristan's side.

The hostess came over to them, "A table for two?" she asked, smiling up at Tristan.

"No, we have reservations under Luke Danes."

She checked her list. Smiling, she said, "Right this way." The young woman led them to a round table for four near the middle of the room.

"Your waitress will be right over," she told them, placing the menus on the table. She then left, returning shortly with a pitcher of water.

Tristan reached overtaking Rory's hand in his. "I've always liked this restaurant. My grandparents used to take me here as a kid. It was always known for having the best pizza and homemade bread in the city."

"I've never been here before. Do you have a favorite pizza?" Rory asked him.

"Besides the clam pizza?" He said with a grin remembering sharing it with his grandfather.

"Clam pizza?" she responded, wrinkling up her nose.

"Hey, Mare, don't knock it until you try it."

The waitress dressed in black pants and a crisp white shirt with a red apron came over to their table. Pulling the pen and pad out of her pocket, she said, "Welcome to The First and Last Tavern. Could I start you with a drink?"

"I'll have a glass of the Ruffino Chianti," Rory said.

"Let's make it a bottle, please," Tristan said. As the waitress left to fill their order, Tristan took Rory's hand in his. "Are you going to tell your mother that you are going to take the job?" he asked, kissing the back of her hand.

"I'm not sure, I don't want to start problems between mom, dad, and Luke."

"What about moving, how do you think your dad will take that?"

"I think he will be okay, I'm not sure about Gigi. We've gotten close since I moved in."

"Hey sweets," Lorelai said as she and Luke walked towards their table. Rory stood up, hugging her mother and then Luke. Tristan stood, shaking Luke's hand and then giving Lorelai an air kiss on the cheek.

Luke and Lorelai sat down beside Tristan and Rory.

"What are you drinking?" Lorelai asked Rory.

"Tristan just ordered a bottle of Chianti," she told her.

"That sounds good. What do you think, Luke? Do you want wine tonight or beer?"

"No, the Chianti sounds good."

The waitress returned with the bottle and four glasses. Opening the bottle, she poured a little in the glass for Tristan to taste. Tristan nodded, then she filled each of the glasses.

"Cheers," Lorelai said, raising her glass to clink with theirs. "I am glad we finally had a chance to get together."

"What were you both doing today?" Lorelai asked them.

"Tristan and I went car shopping, and I got a car," Rory told them.

"That's great news, did you get another Toyota?" Lorelai asked her.

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