Protecting My Heart

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Chapter 41    Protecting My Heart

Shep stood beside Eric as they watched Rory and Jess leave the office.

"Did Rory say she went to school with Jess Mariano? I thought he was from California," Shep asked Eric.

Eric watched Rory and Jess walking down the hall. Quietly Eric left the doorway and walked over to his desk. "Jess grew up in Stars Hollow before he went to California. I think they dated for a while."

Shep followed his boss back in his office.

"Shep, do me a favor and see what you can find out about Lorelai Gilmore Hayden."

Shep stood in front of Eric's desk, watching him type on his computer.

"What do you mean, boss?" he asked. Eric looked up from the keyboard at Shep.

"I find it strange that Rory grew up never knowing that her family owned the Hayden and Sons Publishing Company. Her father is a very wealthy man who owns this company, along with huge international law firms and several IT companies. Rory graduated from Yale and worked on the school newspaper eventually become the editor for the Yale Daily News. She was an English major, and upon graduation, she joined the Obama Press corps, which led her to a career as a freelance journalist. I find it strange that her father requested that she not attend the meeting with the Huntzbergers on Monday."

"That's strange. You would think that as the new assistant publisher, she would be at this meeting."

Shep sat down in a chair across from Eric's desk. He, too, was curious about the young woman that would be working closely with them. She seemed inexperienced and naive for someone who was a freelance journalist.

"I agree, especially since her grandmother told me she wants Rory to be an integral part of this company. "

"Could he be protecting her?"

"Maybe, but why?" Eric remarked as he continued to google information. "There is something familiar about her. I know I have met her before."


Jess and Rory walked down the hall through the large office and conference rooms where the editors and proofreaders were busy working behind glass walls. Framed book covers of the books that were published lined the walls of the reception area, and staff rooms. Workers smiled and said hello to Rory as she walked through the area. Rory led him to a suspended staircase to the next floor. They passed a room where six people were sitting around on comfortable leather furniture, talking to a man standing by a whiteboard. He was Jim Landin, head of the Creative Department. As they walked past the glass wall of the room, Jim looked up and noticed Rory walking by. Stopping what he was doing, Jim walked out of the door. Rory introduced Jess to Jim.

"Jess Mariano, it is so nice to meet you. I am a big fan of your Subsect Books," Jim said as they shook hands.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too," Jess responded

"Rory, if you are not in a hurry, I would like to introduce you to the Creative Team."

Rory looked at Jess and asked, "Do you mind?"

"No, not at all," he responded.

Jess and Rory followed Jim back into the room.

"I know that many of you haven't had the chance to meet Miss Gilmore-Hayden. Miss Hayden is the new Assistant Publisher who will be working closely with us on all our future projects. Visiting Miss Hayden is the author Jess Mariano. Some of you might be familiar with his books, The Subsect."

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