Chapter 24 What Next?

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Chapter 24 What Next?

After her father left, Rory finished her coffee and returned to her bedroom to change her clothes. As she was doing her hair, she decided she would tell Dean how she felt about him. Rory thought about last night and her day with Tristan. Every time Tristan touched, looked or kissed her she felt as if an electric current pulsed through her body. Rory was beginning to realize that whatever she felt with Tristan was not there with Dean. She hopes that she won't hurt Dean when she explains to him how she feels.

Rory heard the doorbell ring and quickly looked at her phone. She smiled when she noticed it was two o'clock. Dean was always on time, not like Logan who would show up unexpectedly whenever he wanted. She checked her hair and went to the door and opened it. Dean was smiling and handed her a take-out cup of coffee.

"Extra cream and sugar just the way you like it. I figured you could use it if you have been writing all day, and here are the mini cheeseburgers you like so much, I added a side of our smoked mac and cheese." Dean smiled and handed her the coffee carrier and bag of food.

"Come in Dean. Did you make these for me?"

"I did." Dean shrugged off his coat and hung it on the hall tree. He followed behind her as she walked to the kitchen with their food.

"Is your dad home?" he asked her.

"No, he's gone to the hospital to...." She wasn't able to finish because she felt Dean behind her. He put his arms around her waist and leaned in and kissed her neck.

"Ummm, Dean...what are you doing?" Rory shrugged her shoulders and tried to sidestep away, but he wouldn't let her. She turned around and pushed against his chest. He took his left hand that was wrapped in gauze and gently pushed a strand of hair from her face, with the back of his fingers he smoothly ran them down her face. Rory looked into his eyes than at his hand. She took his hand in hers and looked at him in surprise.

"Dean, what happened?"

Dean took a step back from her, as she held his left hand gently in the palm of her hand.

"Oh it's nothing, I got burned last night during a fire call. It happened when I was pulling someone out of the fire."

"Does it hurt much?"

"No, It's okay, Ror..." he took a step closer to her and put his thumb under her chin leaning down to kiss her. She turned her head, and he kissed the corner of her lips.

"Rory, what's the matter?"

Rory chewed on the flesh of her bottom lip thinking how she should start the conversation. She took his hand leading him to the family room where they sat down on the brown leather couch

"Dean, I think we should talk first," she said gently to him.

"Okay," he replied sitting back and putting his arm on the back of the couch behind her.

"Is there something wrong? I thought after the kiss the other night that we still had feelings for each other. Am I wrong?"

"No, it's ummm,..." she had trouble looking at him and turned her head away from him

"Rory," he said gently touching her face. She turned and looked at him.

"What's this about? You told me that you and Jess aren't together.."

"Jess and I are best friends we aren't together in a relationship, it's that... you know I just got out of a long painful relationship."

"Yea, I know. But I thought that it was over. When I kissed you I felt something, Ror, something that I had been missing for a long time."

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