Chapter 25 Sparks

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Chapter 25    Sparks

Ethan and Connor left the hospital after their shift going directly to the Pig's Eye for food and drinks. It had been a busy day in the ER and both men were tired and hungry. Ethan tried calling Tristan from the locker room before they left, but he only got his voice mail. As they left Ethan's car to go into the Pig's Eye, they saw Jeff, the surgical nurse that often worked with Tristan leaving the bar.

"Jeff, have you seen Doc?" Ethan asked.

"Hi, the last time I saw Doc he was in the surgeon's lounge talking on his phone. I saw him grab his coat and leave in a hurry."

Connor looked at Ethan, and both men were concerned. It was unlike Tristan to leave without talking to one of them.

"I'll call Paris, and you try his phone again, " Connor told Ethan, and both men walked to the side of the building to make their call.

Ethan dialed Tristan's phone again. His calls were going directly to his voice mail which meant that he turned his phone off. It was now close to seven, so he decided to send him a text.

Ethan - Doc. This is highly unusual for you not to answer your phone. We are heading to the Pigs Ear, call and catch up with us there. EW

"Any luck with Paris?" Ethan asked Connor.

"No her phone goes directly to voicemail. So I called the hospital, and they said she was in surgery for another hour. I asked if she was assisting Dr. Dugray, they said no that he left around four pm," Ethan responded as he slipped his phone back in his pocket. "We might as well go in and get some food."

The two men opened the door and entered the bar. It was busier than usual that evening, and they weaved their way around the tables and the crowd. Dean and Mac were sitting at the bar drinking a beer and talking with Sam. Clay stood behind the bar serving them.

"Forrester, didn't you have plans tonight with your old high school girlfriend," Clay asked Dean bringing him another beer.

"No, I went to see her at her grandmother's house, brought her food and coffee, but it didn't go as planned," he replied as he took a swig of his beer and pressed his lips together. He looked away from his friends and listened to the music playing on the radio, it was Bruno Mars song When I Was Your Man, and it was making Dean depressed.

"Hey Clay, change the music, will you? This song is depressing, " Dean told Clay.

"Sure thing Boss. Hey Morgan, can you put some upbeat music on?"

""Will do," she said and walked over to the CD Player and added a new CD. She put on the CD by Blake Shelton, and the first song was Boy's Round Here.

"That better boss?" she said walking over to Dean, Clay, Mac, and Sam.

"Much better. Thanks," Dean said and gave her a grin. He picked up his beer and took another swig from the bottle.

Ethan and Connor made their way to the busy bar and looked around. They found a spot not far from where the men were sitting. Ethan smiled when he saw the pretty blonde behind the bar talking to the owners.

"Dean, I told you when you brought her into the hospital that day, thirteen years is a long time for two people to reconnect. You told me that you broke up with her because you had nothing in common. What made you think you had things in common now?" Mac asked his partner.

"Rory was the only girl I ever loved, and I was hoping that she still had the same feelings. I was only 18 when we broke up, and I married Lindsay as a rebound. I was still married to Lindsay when I hooked up with Rory. She was a freshman at Yale and, well I was her first." Dean mumbled this part and blushed. Mack looked at his partner in surprise, "You mean you had an affair while you were married with your high school girlfriend?"

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