Chapter 61 Contract Concerns and Coffee.

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Rory drives the 2015 Jeep Compass that she rented to 231 Asylum St. She pulls into her parking space, quickly grabs her coffee mug and bag, and then climbs out of the car. Six weeks ago, she ordered a 2016 Lexus in Mica blue with leather trim and all the options, but it still hadn't arrived at the dealers. Tristan had been bugging her to go to a different dealer and buy a car on the lot, but they could never find the time to go together.

She quickly wraps her scarf around her neck and heads into the building, exchanging greetings with the security guard. Rory enters the elevator and pushes the button for the 25th floor. Exiting the elevator, she walks down the hall to her temporary office, where she bumps into Colin.

"Rory, you're here early," he says, looking at his watch and noticing the time.

"Yes, I have much to do before my meeting later this morning. How's your dad doing?" she asks him as they continue down the hall.

"He's getting better, but he's driving me crazy. My dad insists he doesn't need the home care nurse," he says. His phone buzzes, and touching his earbud, he says, "McCrae here." Colin stops in the hallway and looks at Rory. "Sorry, I've got to take it. Coffee sometime soon?"

She nods and says, "Send me a text."

Colin watches Rory walk toward the temporary office as he continues his phone call. When she opens the door, she is relieved to see Joni at her desk. "Good morning," Rory says to her.

"Good morning," she replies, "I was about to make a pot of coffee. Are you ready for some?"

Rory looks at her empty travel mug and grins. "Need you ask? Today, you might need to hook up an IV to that pot and hook it into my arm."

Joni laughs. "Eric called and said he will be in shortly to review everything before the meeting at ten. Is there anything else you need?"

"I'm not sure. I'm going to go and look through my notes," Rory answers as she removes her coat.

"Okay, if you think of anything give me a call."

Rory watches her friend and assistant leave the office, then walks over to the window. Gazing out the window she watches as a plow pushes the snow to the side of the curbs, clearing out the street below. Smiling she notices how tiny the cars and trucks appear from the 25th floor. They remind her of matchbox toys from this distance.

It's only November, and she knows the New England winter has started. Rory returns to her desk and sits down staring at the computer screen saver. It is an image of the sunset in Mellieha. Immediately her thoughts go back to last year.

Living in Europe, Thanksgiving weekend was not celebrated. Knowing that Rory was homesick, Logan whisked her away to Malta for a romantic weekend at a villa in Xghara. It had a pool with stunning views across the valleys and you could see the Citadel at night and the sea at Marsalform. Logan rented a jeep at the airport and they spent their time exploring the island, swimming in the sea, and making love on the beaches. She knows now that when he took her there he was already engaged to Odette. How foolish she was thinking that they were in love and she would finally have her happily ever after with him. They had started their relationship as a secret, secrets that he was so good at keeping. Shaking her head, she clicked the mouse and her desktop screen appeared. She is glad that she left him and returned home. Even if it was difficult when she returned to Stars Hollow unemployed, she never would have met Tristan. She found her soul mate and was very happy.

Clicking the mouse, the screen saver disappears, and she opens a folder with the proposal for Truncheon Books. As she rereads, Rory remembers the conversations had with Paris last night. What if Jess's partners at Truncheon Books are planning on receiving funding from another company? Could this be why Jess decided to propose to Paris now? How would this affect his new book and his plans for her to edit it? She needed to talk to Joni about what they should do to present the best offer to Jess and his partners.

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