Chapter 26 The Office Visit

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Chapter 26   The Office Visit

It was 9:45 when Paris arrived at Rory's grandmothers home. Paris wanted to talk to Rory about Jess before they left for Rory's doctors' appointment. Paris rang the doorbell and stood impatiently looking at her watch, Eunice stopped what she was doing and went to answer the door.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Paris Gellar, a friend of Rory's. I came to pick her up and take her to her appointment."

"Won't you come in; Miss Rory will be out shortly. Would you like a cup of coffee while you wait?" Eunice stepped to the side opening the door wider to let Paris in.

"If that won't be too much of a bother. " Paris chattered as she followed Eunice into the kitchen. " I don't want to put you out. I came to pick up Rory early so that I could talk to Rory before her appointment. She really needs to be prepared and informed. I don't think she was informed before and that's why this happened."

Eunice looked at her confused as she poured a fresh cup of coffee and placed it in front of Paris on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you," Paris said as she sipped the coffee. "This coffee is delicious. It's. nothing like what I'm used to drinking at the hospital,"

"Excuse me, Miss I will go tell Miss Rory you're here."

Eunice quickly left Paris in the kitchen and went to Rory's bedroom. She gently knocked on her door. Rory opened the door holding her shoes and her phone in her hands.

"Miss, Dr. Gellar is waiting in the kitchen."

"Thank you Eunice; I will be right there."

"Jess, I've got to go. Paris came an hour and a half early."

Jess laughed, "I'll let you go so you won't keep the good doctor waiting. And Ror, don't worry about Dean. You need to figure out what Finn told you on the phone. I think you should be honest and explain everything to your dad. The job here is yours if you want it and if you want to do both, I'm sure we can work something out. "

"Thanks, Jess, please tell Chris and Matt thank you for me. I'll call you later after I meet with my father."

"Great, tell Paris to call me when she gets home."

"I will."

Rory ended her call with Jess and quickly walked out into the kitchen.

"Sorry Paris, I was on the phone talking to Jess. He said he wants you to call him when you get home."

"Oh, okay. Why were you talking to him?" Paris looked over at Rory and frowned.

"Jess called to tell me that he received the article I wrote, and they want to hire me to be their digital reporter for their three newspapers," Rory told her with a smile on her face.

"That's great Rory. What about you and Tristan? If you work for Jess, will you two get back together, will you move back to Philadelphia. "

Rory poured herself a cup of coffee and sat beside her best friend. Paris was beginning to sound insecure. She wasn't sure what was going on with her.

"What's going on, Paris? Why are you asking me questions about my relationship with Jess? Jess and I are best friends. Paris are you worried about him?" she asked with concern in her voice.

Paris looked down into her coffee and didn't say anything. Rory reached over and touched her arm. "Listen, there is nothing between Jess and I except a job offer. Jess is crazy about you and about my relationship with Tristan. I like Tristan a lot and he understands I have issues. So we are dating but we both agreed that it is better if we take things slow. There some personal things I need to sort out first."

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