Chapter 23 A Busy Day in the ER

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Chapter 23 A Busy Day in the ER

Ethan walked over to Shira and told April to bring her into room three. Logan and Honor stayed outside in the waiting room as Ethan and April examined Shira. The ambulance pulled up, and soon Mac and Clay came rushing into the ER with a young teenager on a stretcher complaining of stomach pains. The child's stepmother and a young teenage girl with blond hair were running behind them. Paris heard the ambulance and came out of the doctor's lounge turning off her phone and immediately recognized her close friend from high school.

"Madelyn, what happened?" Paris asked her girlfriend.

"I'm not sure, Gigi came running down the stairs saying that Sam got sick and was laying on the bathroom floor holding her stomach."

"Okay, Madelyn take Gigi and go wait in the waiting room at the end of the hall. I will have someone page your husband." Paris then turned to the nurses and the EMT's and said, " Please take her to room 5. Margo, come with me while I examine her. Corrine, will you page Dr. Callahan. "

Logan looked up when he heard the name Gigi and wondered if it was Rory's sister. She had her back to him, and he was about to go over to her when Ethan came out.

"Mr. Huntzberger, it looks like your mother has more than a sprained ankle. We are taking her up for an MRI, why don't you and your wife..."

"No, this is my sister Honor, I'm not married." Logan replied.

"Honor, Logan why don't you follow me. We will take you to a nice private waiting room in the orthopedic wing where you can wait.."

Logan and Honor followed Ethan to the examining room where Shira was. Shira saw her son and reached her hand out to him. He went over and kissed her cheek. "Mom, how are you feeling?"

"Logan, I'm sorry, I should have never said anything. Please can I get something for the pain?" she asked her son. Logan looked up at the doctor and the nurses.

"Sorry Mrs. Huntzberger, we will give you something after we run some test. Logan, Honor, why don't you go with April. We will take your mother upstairs now. April will show you where you can wait to speak with Dr. O'Malley.."

"Who is Doctor O'Malley?" Honor asked him.

"Doctor O'Malley is one of the best orthopedic surgeons on staff and also the head of the Orthopedic department. Don't worry your mother will be in good hands."

Ethan then spoke directly to Shira, "Don't worry Mrs. Huntzberger, you will like Dr. O'Malley and Doctor Dugray. They are the best surgeons on the east coast."

Shira smiled at Ethan and took his hands. "Thankyou."

An orderly came in and wheeled her bed over to the x-ray department as April led Logan and Honor upstairs to the orthopedic floor.

In ER room five, Paris quickly examined Samantha, Dr.Callahan's fourteen-year-old daughter, "Erika, will you page Dr. Dugray, I think he needs to see this."

Tristan walked over to the lounge to call Rory. The phone buzzed beside her, glancing at the caller id she cheerfully answered the phone.

"Hi Tristan, I was just thinking about you,"

"Hi Babe. I hope they were good thoughts."

"Always, are you finished for the day?" she asked him

"No," he chuckled, "I had a break and I wanted to check in."

"I have some good news, Jess called me this morning," she told him happily.

"He did?" She sounded happy.

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