Chapter 17 Dinner Plans

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Taking Back Control Chapter 17

Chapter 17  Dinner Plans

Logan was standing at the bar talking to Tristan, when Odette came out of the bathroom.

"Logan, your parents, they are waiting for us, no?"

"Odette, here I ordered you some wine, I am talking I will be there in a minute."

Odette stood there sipping the glass of red wine he ordered for her while Logan spoke to the handsome man. She noticed that the man took out his phone and looked at it.

"Excuse me, it's the hospital. I have to take this call."

Logan watched Tristan walk away toward the bathrooms to talk on the phone.

Odette hated being here. She arrived with Logan an hour ago having spent most of the day on the private plane sleeping while he spent his time working. Logan barely spoke to her and when the plane landed in Hartford, a car was waiting for them. Immediately, Logan turned on his phone, ignoring her, he called his three friends and his father, making arrangements to meet them at the club.

Just as Tristan left to take his call Robert and Colin entered the Bar.

"Logan, ready?" they asked him.

"Yes, where's Finn."

"He is parking the car, you know how he is with his new vehicle. He doesn't trust the valet and said he will meet us inside," Robert told him.

Colin and Robert both turned and looked at Odette. They nodded their head in acknowledgment to her then walked into the dining area with Logan and Odette following behind.

Odette and Logan arrived at the OnTwenty restaurant at the Polytechnic Club ten minutes before his crazy friends came. The whole flight over Odette wondered how she found herself in this mess. When her mother called and told her that she was to leave Paris and go to London to meet Logan she was angry. She had no desire to fly to Connecticut to spend time with Shira Huntzberger. She did not like the United States but when she complained to her parents they reminded her that she signed the contract for this marriage. If she broke the agreement or the prenup, they would lose 10 million dollars at which point she would be disinherited, and they would have her sent away where she would no longer have their name or money to protect her.

Odette looked at the man walking beside her. She liked Logan, he usually was kind and respectful, but she really wasn't interested in being his wife. She only agreed to this because her parents forced her in order to keep her secret.

Odette first met Logan, in Paris, on his return flight from a conference in Hamburg. He was charming, handsome and fun to be around. A good cover for her so that her true love would not be identified. Since she and her lover could not be seen in public, Odette began to ask Logan to attend specific family social engagements with her and soon he would ask her to do the same. Eventually they would fly back and forth from Paris and London to attend these events. A photographer from HPG was made available to photograph them and distribute these images of them. However, things changed in January of this year when pictures of Odette and her lover were made public when they were in Venice at the Fashion Show. The publicity of these shots could have a negative impact on her family's business. Being the shark that Mitchum was, he decided that this was his chance to marry off Logan and get rid of the Gilmore girl forever. Immediately Mitchum contacted Odette's father where they began to negotiate a contract which would involve an arranged marriage between their children. By March a deal between Mitchum and her father, Claude, was written proposing the marriage between Logan and Odette. In late April, a messenger arrived with a package for Odette from London . Odette was alone sitting in her apartment in Paris after spending a delightful morning with her lover. She opened it up and inside was a ring box from Verraigo, a designer of diamond rings. Opening it she was stunned when Odette saw a beautiful engagement ring, in the center of the split diamond platinum band was a 2.5 carat squared shaped halo diamond. She opened up the envelope that came with the ring and it held a contract with the marriage proposal . Calling her parents right away she was ordered to fly to London with her them to begin discussion of this marriage contract.

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