Chapter 32 An Unexpected Surprise

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Chapter 32               An Unexpected Surprise

Logan spent the rest of the afternoon playing phone tag with his father while editing the press release announcing the end of his engagement. He was tired of waiting for his father's phone call, so taking matters into his own hands, he called the lawyer to have charges filed against Odette on his mother's behalf. He then contacted the gossip reporters, that HPG employed, giving them the press release indicating that the engagement and wedding to Odette Roitfield were off.

Logan left HPG by five-thirty feeling exhausted and confused. He now had to go home and check on his mother before visiting his grandfather at Trinity Hill. Climbing into his car, Logan headed to the family home. Logan drove through the gates of the Huntzberger property and stopped his car in front of the main entrance. Looking at the mansion, his parent's home, he turned off the car hesitating; he wasn't ready to walk into that place and face his mother. She had called him several times at the office. Finally, he quit taking her calls after the third one, when she whined about the pain she was in, begging for stronger medicine and asking him if his father was returning.

Logan opened the door heading inside towards the room he was using as his office. He avoided entering the large living room where he heard his mother's voice; she was talking to someone, he figured it was the nurse. He needed a drink before he spoke to her. Placing his messenger bag on the desk, Logan walked to the bar in the corner, pouring himself his third drink of the day. Looking at the amber liquid, he realized that the mistake that he made by agreeing to marry Odette was what brought him here. Seeing Rory today he realized that he needed to end the engagement. So, he sat down contacted the lawyers then composed the press release that ended the engagement and future relationship with Odette. Now he needed to make calls so he can leave HPG.

His cell phone vibrated in his coat pocket. Fishing it out, he recognized his father's number when he looked at the screen. "So nice of you to finally return our calls," Logan answered his phone sarcastically as he sat down in the leather office chair

"Logan, I've been busy putting out fires from this disagreement that your mother and Odette had. I think it is all settled now. Odette and I will be back in Hartford by the end of the week, " Mitchum said.

"Don't bother. There is no need for Odette to return to the US," Logan interrupted, "A press release has been sent to all the media outlets. The engagement is off, and so is the wedding."

"Wait, you can't do that. There is a prenup," his father replied immediately.

"Not any longer. I spoke to three journalists, giving them approval to the story of how mom became injured in an argument concerning your future daughter in law who happens to be the daughter of your mistress. They now have the names and a copy of the contract of the Dynastic Plan you concocted so that you would also gain control over the European Vogue. Charges have been made against Odette for the intent of causing personal injury to mother. A messenger will be arriving shortly issuing a warrant for her arrest if she attempts to enter the US or contact me or mother. So, if you and her family don't want the bad publicity or jail time, then I suggest that you tell Odette to agree to the terms of the letter that she will be receiving because you see we have witnesses. I was there, Honor was there and so were your grandchildren who witness the whole thing."


"Dad, let me explain something to you. I'm tired of being your puppet, do your bidding, being your hatchet man. I'm no longer going to do that. Your wife of 43 years, needs you, so I suggest that you get on our private plane and return home. Oh, and tell your mistress that your affair, and the engagement to her daughter, is over. Understood?"

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