Chapter 31 Changes Are Coming

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Chapter 31

After leaving the Hayden home, Logan returned to his office at HPG. He had been searching for Rory for weeks never thinking she would be at the Hayden residents. It didn't make sense to him. What was she doing there? Pouring himself a scotch, Logan tried reaching Colin again, this time calling his office.

"Hayden McCrae Law Offices, how may I direct your call," a female voice answered.

"Please tell Colin McCrae that Logan Huntzberger from HPG is calling."

"Yes, Mr. Huntzberger, I will see if he is available."

The voice put Logan on hold while he waited, Logan sat down and opened up his computer. Pulling up the information on Eric Brady, he began to wonder if Rory was dating him. She moved out of London in the spring after she found out about Odette and yet they slept together in September. Was this the reason she finally was able to tell him goodbye?

He scrolled through Eric's bio and immediately remembered where he met him. Logan took Rory to listen to Eric Brady present his new book, Using Technology and How it is Changing the Face of Journalist, when they were in Hamburg.

Entering the small room, labeled, Technology and Journalism Today, Logan, led Rory to some chairs near the back of the room. They both had two more speakers to listen too, before dinner that evening, and he wanted to leave quietly if this speaker took too long.

A young woman came out introducing, Eric Brady. Eric began by discussing his work in California and how it led him to write this book. Rory sat there at the edge of her seat, taking notes while listening to Eric as he highlighted the critical points. He took his time explaining how technology has changed the world of journalism and how, as a journalist, they can take advantage of it. Ten minutes before the end of the presentation, the alarm on Logan's phone beeped, reminding him of the next conference that they both had to go too. Leaning over, he pointed at his watch, and she nodded. They quietly slipped out of the room. As they left the room, Rory noticed the table set up with Eric Brady's book on it.

"Logan, wait. I want to purchase his book," she told him, putting a hand on his arm. Rory picked up the book and went to the young woman who was collecting the money for the books.

" Ace, another book for your collection?" smiling he asked her as he took the book from her and handed it to the woman along with the money.

" Logan, you don't need to buy me the book. I can do that myself," she told him.

Logan took the book from the woman and put his arm around her shoulders.

" I know, but let me do this for you," he whispered, bringing his lips to the shell of her ear. Rory turned her head and looked at his lips, then into his eyes and leaning into him, they kissed.

" Come on," he told her, leading her to the lift. Pulling her inside, he pushed the button for the twentieth floor where his room was...

Logan heard Colin's voice on the phone, and he stopped staring at the screen.

"Logan... sorry, I didn't get back to you. I was in a meeting." Colin said when he got on the phone.

"Colin, I spoke to Rory today." Logan hovered the mouse over a file of photos that he kept on his computer and opened it. Logan stared at the image on the computer screen. He took this photo of her sleeping in his bed in Hamburg. Logan reached out to his screen, tracing her picture with his index finger.

"You're kidding?" Colin was surprised to hear this. He was hoping that Logan was going to give up and forget about her. Rory ended the relationship with him in September, and by doing this, she stopped all contact with Finn, Robert, and himself when she said goodbye.

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