Chapter 53 Thanksgiving Day

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As soon as Tristan pulled into the driveway at the Dragonfly, Rory quickly unhooked the seatbelt and started to open the door.

"Come on you," Rory said, reaching for the door handle. "I can't wait to show you how mom decorates the inn for the holidays. Oh, and wait till you taste the food that Sookie and Luke have been cooking all week."

"I think we can wait for a minute," Tristan whispered, leaning over and putting his hand on her neck. Holding her in place, he leaned over, kissing her lips. Rory wrapped her arms around his neck, letting her fingers slide through his soft hair, kissing him back. His pocket started to vibrate, and Rory started to giggle. Tristan pulled his phone out of his pocket, pulled away, and frowned.

"Hey, I thought you were off duty?" Rory said, watching the concern on his face.

"Sorry, Babe, it's the hospital, and it concerns one of my cases. It shouldn't take long. I promise."

Kissing her on the forehead, he opened his car door and dialed the number of the hospital. Rory walked around the car, gently kissing his lips before she walked up the stairs to the inn.

As he waited for the call to go through, he watched Rory walk into the inn, hoping that he won't mess up his relationship with her. He knows how difficult and demanding his job is, and he will need to make sure that they carve out time with each other.

Rory walked into the inn's lobby and looked around for her mother. Noticing a new person behind the desk, she walked over to her. The woman was close to Rory's age and lifted her head up from the computer.

"Hello, welcome to the Dragonfly. Can I help you?" she asked as Rory approached the desk.

Rory stares at the woman wondering why she looks so familiar. "You look familiar. Have we met before?" Rory asks.

"Oh, my goodness, Rory. It's so good to see you. My name is Shane and I dated Jess Mariano for a while," she replied holding out her hand. "My last name is Gibson, I married Justin Gibson a few years ago."

"Oh!" Rory said, slightly embarrassed. "Yes. It is nice to see you again. It's been a while since I have been home for the holidays, and I didn't see you at the inn this summer."

Shane smiled at Rory. "I started the week before your mother's wedding. I have been working at the Annex, but things were switched around today."

Looking around again, Rory asked, "Umm, do you know where my mother is?"

The bell rang on the door, and Rory turned watching Tristan walk toward her.

"Hey," Tristan said putting his arm around her waist. "Where's your mom?"

"I was just about to find that out. Is everything okay?"

Leaning down he whispers, "It will be as soon as I hear from Henry."

Shane stands quietly at the desk, looking at the handsome man with Rory. She had heard through the local gossip that Rory had moved to Hartford and was dating someone new.

"Rory, I think your mother is in the kitchen. Would you like me to get her for you?"

"No, that's okay. We'll go back there; I know Sookie would want to see us."

Unbuttoning his dark gray wool coat, Tristan follows Rory through the empty dining room to the bustling kitchen. Standing in the doorway, they stop as they watch six people packing food in insulated thermal bags and chaffing dishes. Sookie was directing another group of workers in the middle of the room as they placed large cartons by the door. Her mother was talking to Neil, Sookie's assistant chef, as they looked through papers on a clipboard.

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