Chapter 4 Searching

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Chapter 4       Searching

Robert and Finn drove directly to Finn's home after they left the diner in Stars Hollow. As they got off the elevator heading into Finn's apartment his cell phone rang.

"Finn my man, does your family still have that beautiful place in Punta Cana?"

Immediately Finn put Logan on speakerphone.

"Yeah mate they do, what's up?

"I need to get out of London. I need sunshine. I'm going to call Colin and Robert and see how fast everyone can get ready to go on a trip. Are you up for it?"

"I'm right here," Robert said to Logan.

"Great, so are you ready for some sunshine and some beautiful ladies?"

"You know I always am ready for beautiful women," Robert said with a smirk. Robert was a free-lance portrait photographer and lived off his trust fund and the money he made taking photographs of beautiful women. He already had one tabletop book published since graduating from Yale and since that publication, thanks to HPG, he had become a photographer that is in demand. He now owned two studios one in California and the other in Manhattan.

"Great, I will call Colin now and then call you both back with the time when we will be leaving."

Finn closed his phone and the two of them walked into Finn's apartment. Robert went and sat down in the black leather recliner as Finn flopped down on his leather sofa.

"Now that is strange," Robert said to Finn once Logan hung up.

"Yeah, mate it was. We were just going to call him, and he calls us. Do you think we should have said something about Rory?"

"Umm I don't know let's wait for Colin," Robert said just as Colin walked through the door.

"Okay, Logan I will talk to Finn and Robert and we will call you back."

"What's going on guys? What happened to Reporter Girl? Did you say anything to Logan yet?"

"No we didn't get a chance. Logan just invited us to go to "my parents' home" for his little diversion. Luckily my parents aren't using their home," Finn sarcastically replied as he poured Colin and Robert each a drink and handed it to them.

"By the way, Reporter Girls not in Stars Hollow. We overheard people asking an Asian woman how she is, seems she was taken to the hospital," Robert continued as he sipped his drink.

"Wait, Reporter Girl is in the Hospital? Do you know what happened? Do we know where?" Colin asked.

"No, and we didn't want to ask either."

"So why do you think Logan has this need to go to Punta Cana," Finn asked as he finished his drink and poured another. "

Colin's father had recently drawn the prenup for both Logan and Odette to sign. He knew the reason for this getaway. This was one of Logan's diversions, so he didn't have to spend time with her or sign the prenup.

"He's getting married in three months and I have a feeling he isn't happy about it," Colin said sitting back in the red and black plaid wing chair and sipping his drink

"None of us are happy about it," Robert added.

"He is giving up one of the best women around for that plastic French Heiress. He doesn't love her. He love's mother."

"She's too good for him, Mate," Finn said into his glass thinking about Rory.

"Colin should we call her phone?" Robert asked hearing what Finn mumbled in his glass and silently agreeing with him.

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