Chapter 16 Close Encounter

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Chapter 16               Close Encounter

After lunch, the nurse had Francine rest in bed for an hour before helping her back in the chair. The respiratory therapist came and helped her with her first treatment, explaining to Gigi how she could help her grandmother. While she was working with the therapist, Dr. Ross came and met with Christopher where they went into the lounge to talk.

"Mr. Hayden, the nursing staff and respiratory therapist have reported to me that your mother is making great progress and I am happy to see your mother sitting up today. I want to send the Physical Therapist, Krissi, to evaluate her tomorrow."

"That's great news. I believe I met Krissi when she came to our home and worked with my daughter Rory. I know my mother had liked her a lot and so did Rory. How long will my mother be here in the hospital?" Christopher asked him.

"It is too soon to say, Mr. Hayden. However, Krissi and I will talk when she is finished with her evaluation and then we will have a better understanding of how long she will need to be here. But right at this moment, everything looks great."

They sat there for another five minutes before Dr. Ross had to leave. Christopher then returned to the hospital room where Gigi was entertaining her grandmother. They stayed and visited for another hour before he and Gigi left to return home.

Gigi raced into the house before her father calling, "Rory we're back."

"I'm back here," Rory called from the bedroom she was using.

Rory was in her room trying to decide what to wear to dinner when Gigi walked into her room.

"What'cha doing Ror?" she asked her sister.

"Looking for something to wear to dinner tonight."

"Oh, do you have a date?" Gigi asked inquisitively.

"I guess, Dr. Dugray is picking me up and taking me to the country club for dinner so that I can meet his parents."

"Dr. Dugray, is he the doctor that came to visit you?"


"You know your other friend, the tall one? He came by to grandma's room today?"

"Oh you mean Dean," Rory replied.

"Yes, he came by to check to see how she was doing. He is really nice, and he talked to me and told me that if I wanted, he would show me the ambulance. He and Dad talked for a while. How does he know Dad?" Gigi asked her.

Gigi plopped herself on Rory's bed and was leaning on the throw pillows. Rory turned and faced her sister leaning against the closet door.

"When I was a student at Chilton, Dean and I used to date. He lived in Stars Hollow and went to high school there with Lane. He used to work at Taylors grocery store in Stars Hollow. and he was my first boyfriend and the first boy I ever kissed."

"Really? What did Dad say?" Gigi asked with enthusiasm.

"I don't know if he ever knew?" Rory chuckled picturing her father's reaction.

"Why not?"

"Because Dad didn't live with me when I was your age."

"Then who did you live with?" Gigi asked her.

"My mom, in the Crap Shack in Stars Hollow. You've been there, Gigi."

Rory walked over and sat beside her sister on the bed.

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