Chapter 14 Meeting The Parents

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Chapter 14 Meeting the Parents

Her phone rang at 6 am, Rory rolled over and looked at the caller id, smiling she answered it.

"Hello," she responded sleepily into the phone.

"Hi, did I wake you?" Tristan asked her.

"Sort of, I'm glad you called," Rory responded stretching and pushing herself up in a sitting position with a smile on her face.

"You know, we didn't have much time together yesterday. How would you feel about going out for some breakfast, and then you could start making the comparison between Tristan original and 2.0," Tristan told her.

Rory started laughing,

"So is that a yes?" he asked her chuckling.

"I would love too," she replied.

"How soon can you be ready to leave?" he asked her.

Rory looked at the clock and said, "Can you give me 20 minutes?"

"Sure. I will be there in twenty minutes," Tristan told Rory anxious to see her again.

"And Tris."

Yea?" he responded.

"Don't worry, there's no comparison."

Rory ended the call and walked into the bathroom wondering why Paris ever thought that Logan and Tristan were anything alike. They were two entirely different men. Rory quickly went in to take a shower. She hopped out after five minutes and quickly dried her hair. Looking in the mirror, Rory brushed her hair pulling it back into a high ponytail and added some light makeup and a little mascara. She then went into her closet and pulled out her skinny black jeans, a three-quartered length sleeve white V-neck printed blouse, a silk scarf, and her leather crop jacket. Rory pulled on her black leather ankle boots and transferred her items from her purse into her black leather bag. She grabbed her phone and put it in the front pocket for easy access.

Rory walked into the kitchen and quickly wrote her father a note telling him that a friend had called, and she was going out to breakfast with them. Rory took her laptop and the folder Jess gave her and slipped it in her messenger bag and left it by the hall bench. Hearing a gentle knock at the door, Rory grabbed her leather bag and opened the door. She walked out shutting the door quietly behind her.

"Wow, if it takes you only twenty minutes to look like that, what would you look like if I gave you an hour to get ready?"

"The same. As my mom says, it's the Gilmore genes, you can't mess with perfection."

He looked her up and down smiling with approval. "Come on. I know of a great diner down the road." They quickly got into his car, and he headed out of town.

"Where are we going?" she asked as he pulled onto the expressway heading out of Hartford.

"To a great little diner."

They were heading down the Interstate when she reached out and started to turn on the radio.

"What are you doing?" he asked her.

"Putting on music, " she grinned.

"What do you want to hear?"

He hit the play button on his steering wheel and started the radio. Soon the song Simple by Florida Georgia Line came on the Sirius XM Highway station. He started singing along with the radio.

"The way your fingers fit in mine

"It's five plus five, not rocket science

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