Chapter 35 First Morning at the Office

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Taking Back Control Part 2

Rory pulled into the parking lot at Hayden Publishing early Thursday morning. She planned on working a few hours before she left to meet her mother at the Blue Slate Coffee Shop on Main St. Lorelai arranged her schedule, so they had the afternoon to find an apartment for Rory. Though she would prefer Rory moved back to Stars Hollow, Lorelai understood her daughter's desire to live on her own.

"Good Morning," Rory said, smiling at the guard, as she entered the lobby of Hayden Publishing. Returning her smile, the young guard glanced up from the bank of computers he was monitoring and nodded as she walked past him and headed toward the bank of elevators that would take her to her floor. The elevator door opened when she entered the code. Stepping inside, Rory pressed the button for the thirtieth floor. The elevator quickly arrived on her level without making other stops. Leaving the elevator, Rory began to walk down the hall towards her office. She heard her phone ring and pulled it out of her pocket. Looking at the caller ID, she smiled when she noticed it was Tristan.

"Good morning, Tris," Rory answered as she walked down the long hallway towards her office. Entering her empty office, Rory set her messenger bag on her desk before she hung her coat and purse on the hooks behind her desk.

"Are you at the hospital already?" she asked him.

"Yes, Babe, I am. I got called in at three for and emergency. I finally have a break before my next surgery at eight. Where are you? You sound like you are out of breath. Are you exercising?"

"Surely, sir, you don't know me very well if you ask me that question. " She grinned when she thought of the time; she tried a spin class. She was sore for two weeks and vowed never to try that again. "I just arrived at my office. Look..." Rory quickly put her phone on video and spanned the camera of her office, and then sent the video to him.

"Very nice. I didn't realize you planned on going into your office this morning. Are you still meeting your mom today to go apartment hunting?" he asked, relaxing on the couch in the surgeons' lounge. The rush of adrenaline he had earlier from the emergency room this morning was now leaving him, and he suddenly felt exhausted.

" I am. I woke up early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I am so excited about working here; it's like the first day of school for me. I have so much to do, including hiring my assistant. I decided instead of wasting the morning; I would get a jump on it and see if HR has a possible list of candidates." Rory turned on the computer at her desk and tried to login. "Huh."

"What's the problem?" he asked yawning.

"I am having some trouble logging into the Hayden Publishing site. Oh well, I will deal with it later." Rory leaned back into her desk chair, giving all her attention to Tristen.

Tristen snickered. "My little overachiever, already multi-tasking. I remember how you would take the early bus to Chilton and sit in the library reading until your classes started. I bet you have your kindle with you." Chuckling, she replied, "No, but I do have my iPad."

"I bet you have it on your desk right now, searching through your email."

"No, I don't, that would be rude. I haven't taken it out of my messenger bag yet. I rather talk to you."

"I miss you," he told her.

"I miss you too. Are you going to be at the hospital all day today?" she asked him, hoping they could meet up after work. Maybe she should look at the apartments at his building. This way, they would have more time together.

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