Chapter 34........New Careers

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Chapter 34 New Careers

As Rory drove her new car to Hayden Publishing Company, she thought about the dinner that she had with her mother, Luke, and Tristan.  On the way home, she and Tristan talked more about the advantages of her working for Hayden Publishing. As they pulled into the driveway, she admitted her fears to him

"Mare, why are you afraid?  You're smart, you have the experience, and you are a writer."

"Tris, my experience is in journalism.  I have written articles, and yes, they have been published, but Hayden Publishing has published some of New York Times Best Selling Authors and has many imprints.  It has won many awards and it doesn't waste money on publishing newspaper or magazines now that the digital world has taken over. How am I going to do this?"

Tristan looked at her and raised his eyebrows, "What are you talking about.  You love books.  You always carry two or three books and I bet if I opened your bag, I would find a book or Kindle in there.  I bet you have three or four books started on your Kindle app on your phone."

Rory smiled at him and replied, "True.  It's just..."

"Mare, what's going on?"

" What if Logan comes to Hayden Publishing and creates a scene?"

"Mare, why would he do that?"

"He came to my grandmother's house to talk to her.  He has been to see my father about buying the company."

"Your dad isn't going to sell the business, not if he is offering you a job. Plus,the building has security that you and your father can control.  You tell security not to allow him access to the building."  Rory turned her head and looked out the car window.

Tristan touched her shoulder and said, "Mare, are you still in love with Logan?"

Turning in the seat towards him, she shook her head, "No, I'm not. It's over, we grew apart, but every time I see him, I think about what happened between us."

"You mean the miscarriage?"

Rory nodded, and Tristan pulled her into his arms.  She put her head on his shoulder and felt her eyes well up.  Tristan gently stroked her hair and kissed her head.

"Tris, what if I'm not good enough? What if Mitchum was right, and I don't have what it takes to work in this industry."

"He's wrong, Mare.  He doesn't know the Rory Gilmore I know.  He might see a Mary, but I know someone different."  Tristan pulled her away and cupping her face; he told her, "Mare, I knew you were amazing the first day I saw you walking down the halls in Chilton. Why do you think I wanted to date you so badly?"

Rory looked up. " So I could be another notch on your bedpost," she teased.

"Well, there is that," he teased back as Rory swatted at his arm.  Tristan kissed her lips. "Mary, at sixteen, you were a confident, intelligent, naive, beautiful, articulate girl who didn't put up with my shit. You stood up to Paris and the Headmaster.  You worked your butt off and received acceptance letters at Yale, Harvard, and Princeton.  I don't know what Logan and Mitchum saw when you went to Yale, but I know the real you.  Don't let them dictate your future."

Putting his finger under her chin, he tilted her head up so that she could look him in the eyes. "Look at me," he told her. "At sixteen I knew that I was falling for you, and every time we are together, I find myself falling for you more and more.  I believe in you, Mare.  Try to remember it doesn't matter what Logan or his family think anymore.  Logan is in your past, and Hayden Publishing and I, are your future."

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