Chapter 9 Secrets Revealed

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Chapter 9 Secrets Revealed

Finn called his Nan, and she answered it after three rings.

"G'day, " she greeted the caller.

"Nan, it's me, Finn. How are you?"

"Oh my favorite Larrikin, I'm fine. Why are you tingling me? Is everything alright?"

"Yes Nan, I just have a question to ask you."

"What is it Love?"

"Were you friends with a Straub Hayden and his family from Hartford?"

"Oh yes, Finn, I am. We used to travel around Europe until he died. I hear from Francine every holiday. Something didn't happen to her did it?"

"Nan I'm not sure but did they have children?"

"Yes, a son, about 4 or 5 years younger than your Dad, your Uncle Marty's age. Why do you ask?"

"Do you happen to know his name?"

"I believe it's Christopher."

"Does he have children?"

"Yes he has two. He is divorced and his youngest lives with him and his mother."

"Is it possible he has a daughter around my age?"

"He has two daughters, come to think of it... How old are you now Finn?"

"I'm thirty-three, don't tell me you've forgotten?"

"Well I haven't seen you in a while. Now let me think your uncle is fifty, yes, I believe his daughter is around your age. He was about seventeen when he and Emily's daughter became pregnant. It was such a scandal. Elias Huntzbergers youngest son, had such a crush on her too. Emily and Richard were best friends with Straub and Francine.

When Lorelai, that's Emily's daughter, ran away with the baby everyone was beside themselves. I remember how hard it was for Francine. Straub refused to let Francine have anything to do with Emily and Richard, and he would not let her go and see the child. I remember talking to Emily back then, and she told me that Christopher, was in and out of the child's life. She had wished they would marry. Why do you ask, Love?"

"I know the granddaughter. Her name is Rory and she was a year behind me at Yale. In fact, she is a close friend of mine, and she dated Logan. But I never knew that she was a Hayden."

"You said she dated Logan? That's a like history repeating itself. Her mother dated Logan's uncle before she dated Christopher. Straub made sure that the child had a paternity test after she was born to make sure it really was Chris's child. For year's Elias, Straub and Richard never spoke, and before that, they were close friends. But Lorelai was a beautiful, intelligent, free-spirited young girl, very rebellious, but who wouldn't be with a demanding mother like Emily."

Finn talked to his grandmother a little longer promising that he would spend time with her when he visited in December. When he hung up, he was shocked that Rory Gilmore was a Hayden. He wondered if Logan knew that his Uncle had dated Rory's mother. He was equally surprised that Rory had come from a wealthy family. He remembered the sausage party that Emily had given Rory the first time he met her. Why he wondered, did Mitchum and Shira Huntzberger disapprove of her if she was a Hayden.


Tristan pulled into the parking lot behind the Pigs Eye Pub in Hartford. They walked around to the entrance and walked in. The pub was already crowded, and the piped in music was very loud. Tristan spotted Paris and waved to her. Taking Rory by the hand, he led her to the booth where Paris and Jess were sitting.

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