Chapter 52 Revelations

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Chapter 52  Revelations

When Logan, Colin, and Matt returned to Colin's apartment, it was midnight. Logan and Colin walked upstairs to their rooms. Colin gave Matt a blanket and pillow so he could crash on his couch.

"What is your plan, Logan?" Colin asked Logan.

"I plan to leave tomorrow for London and should be back by Sunday at the latest.  How about you?"

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to the hospital and hopefully bring my father home.  I already lined up help for him.  I might spend the first night there.  I told Matt he is welcome to stay here as long as he needs to."

"Thanks for that, I know Finn has some apartments lined up for him to see."

"Does that mean he will be staying on the East Coast?" Colin asked.

"Yes, that's the plan.  He will be joining me at HPC."

Colin put his hand on his friend's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.  "That's great news.  I know that things will change for you, now that you will be in control.  What about his business in California?"

"It is going to come under the HPC umbrella," Logan responded.

Colin frowned and looked at Logan.  "What do you mean?"

"My uncle's company along with Matt's company will be merging with ours.  The goal will be to offer more services to our people."

"Interesting. Well, it's been a very long day and a long week. I will be leaving early tomorrow to head to the hospital. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Logan called back to his friend as he watched Colin walk to his room,

Early the following day, Logan's phone rang. He rolled over and grabbed it off the charger beside his bed.

"Umm Hello," he said, his voice hoarse and groggy.

"Logan, it's Carson. Sorry to wake you, but I wondered what time you will be arriving today. Mr. Kavanaugh called and wants to meet with you as soon as you arrive.

"What's going on?" Logan asked, swinging his legs to the side of the bed.

"Odette is threatening to sue for breach of contract.
She claims she has photographs that she will send to the media, that proves you were cheating."

Logan rubbed his face. "I was expecting something like this.
Though she has no proof, we know that if she leaks doctored photographs to the media, this mess will play out as "he said, she said." I will call the airport and see if I can get an earlier flight. Anything else?" he asked.

"Yes, Nick Harrison called and left a message saying that he will be in New York City on the twenty-third, which is today until December tenth, and wants to meet with you."

"I'll call Nick and see if I can talk to him before I leave. I'll text you back with my flight plan after I talk to the airport. My Uncle Alec Ward, my grandfather, and our lawyers John Cooper, and Robert Carmichael will also be attending the meetings too. They will need a place to stay."

"I have your apartment open and cleaned and it is stocked with food. Will they be staying with you?"

"No, Is the company penthouse my father used, available?" Logan asked.

"I'll check to see."

"If it is, have it cleaned, and they can stay there.  If not, find a hotel close by, order two suites and place them on the corporate account. Before I forget, were you able to ship those boxes I had in my apartment?"

"Some of them have been shipped," Carson answered.

"Thanks.  Have someone go over today and arrange to have all the boxes shipped back here. Change the labels to have them ship here at my office."

"No problem. I will make sure it is done."

"Thanks, Carson, I can't wait for you and Jack to join my team.
I'm lost without you here," Logan told him.

Carson smiled, hearing him say that.

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