Chapter 42 Finding the Right Home

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Chapter 42 Find the Right Home.

At four fifteen, Logan pulled into the parking lot at the Bushnell Towers. Colin had planned on coming with him but had to return to the office. As soon as Colin's meeting was over, he planned on meeting them at the RePUBlic restaurant. Logan pulled open the glass doors and entered the lobby, where Finn was leaning against the front desk flirting with the receptionist.

"Hey man," Finn said to Logan, straightening up and walking over to him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Colin and I hit the gym before coming over. It's been a hectic day. By the way, how did you get Colin to work out at the gym? He's an animal." Logan clasped Finn's hand and bumped shoulders.

"Yea, I think I created a monster. He can bench more than me, and now he is addicted to spin classes." Finn turned to the attractive redhead he was talking too. " Hailey, this is Logan Huntzberger, my best mate. He is going to look at the penthouses on 27 DE and 27 ABC."

"How do you do, Mr. Huntzberger." Hailey smiled warmly at Logan and extended her hand. "Welcome to Park Place Bushnell Towers. I am one of the concierges here. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you."

Logan shook her hand, then winked. "I will keep that in mind. Finn, are you ready?" He patted his friend on the shoulder, and they walked away.

"Cute girl, but seems young," Logan remarked as they walked towards the elevator.

"We're getting old mate. The people they hire are at least ten to fifteen years younger than us now."

"Ouch," Logan replied, shaking his head. Where did the time go, he wondered?

Logan looked around the lobby with its large glass windows and modern leather furniture. A large mosaic rug covered the marble tiled floor. Finn led Logan past a large mirrored wall that hid the elevators from the lobby.

"I'm impressed already. I'm so used to the old buildings in London. It's nice to be back in a modern building."

"Yes, and these two elevators will take us to the penthouse. The elevator on your right will take us to the penthouse on the 27th floor."

Finn placed the key card over the button by the elevator door. The door opened, and they got in.

"Nice, a private elevator, I like that feature, " Logan said as they began to ascend to the 27th floor.

"How did the meeting go today?"

"Rough, I take over the company on Monday. We held a press conference, and then I met with Colin and returned to his apartment."

"And your dad?"

"Retirement and has only 1% of the shares in HPC. My Uncle Alec and I now hold the controlling shares."

Logan noticed that next to the 27th floor, ABC apartment elevator door opened to the back, and DE opened to the front. "Finn, do you need to enter the elevator to get to the other apartment?"

"No, there is another door in your apartment that exits to the hallway."

"Oh, and if visitors come up?"

Finn smiled, "Thinking about company already?"

Logan shrugged.

"There is a public elevator to the left behind the concierge desk. They will direct visitors to use that elevator, but first, they will buzz you before they let anyone up."

Logan nodded, impressed with the security of the building. The elevator pinged, and the door opened into an elegant foyer on the back elevator. Finn led him into 27 ABC first. They walked down the white entrance into a great room painted in a deep blue with white trim. The room had six large windows with deep built-in shelves between each set of windows. The blue walls were overpowering, and immediately he thought about Rory.

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