Chapter 8 An Offer

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Chapter 8     An Offer

Jess arrived at the hospital twenty minutes before Christopher. He had received Rory's text and had the Uber driver go to her grandmother's house first to pick up Gigi and the small suitcase that Gigi had packed for her grandmother with Eunice's help. Rory was sitting in the Cardiac surgical waiting room with Paris when they both arrived. Jess went over to Rory and hugged her and then sat down beside Paris.

Christopher walked in followed by Tristan who was still wearing his scrubs from his last surgery. Tristan looked at the group and smiled. Connor had just updated him.

"Mr. Hayden, Rory, I spoke to Dr. Ross before I came up. Your grandmother is in recovery now. Dr. Ross and his team had to do bypass surgery. Luckily Dr. Romaro is her cardiologist and Dr. Ross is his partner in the cardiology office. Dr. Ross called Dr. Romaro immediately, and he came in to assist. She had a two-way bypass, and they did a minimally invasive surgery called the keyhole surgery. Your grandmother should make a full recovery. The team will transfer your grandmother shortly to a room in ICU, then as she she will eventually go to the critical care wing. Once Mrs. Hayden becomes stronger she can be moved to a rehabilitation hospital, or she might even be able to go home. Tristan finish explaining the procedure to Rory and then looked over at Jess and Gigi.

Gigi looked crestfallen, and her eyes were filled with tears when she spoke.

"That means Grandma may not be home for Thanksgiving."

Rory reached over and took her sister's hand in hers.

"Don't worry, Gig. We can bring her Thanksgiving dinner here. Right dad?"

"Right. Come here Gig, grandma will be okay," Christopher said as he held his youngest daughter in his arms kissing her on her forehead. "You were brave today, and I am proud of you. I am proud of both of my girls."

Looking over at Rory he continued, "Rory I was so glad you were there today. I know you shouldn't have been driving. Are you okay?"

"Yes, Dad I am fine."

"Rory, can we go someplace private and talk?" her father asked her.

"Sure," she looked around wondering where they could go that would be private.

Paris got up and said, "Follow me."

Off the room that they were sitting in was a conference room where the doctors would talk to the patients. The conference room was empty, so she told them to go in.

"You can go in here; no one will be using it."

Rory and her father walked in. She looked at her father and said, "What's wrong?"

"Ror, your grandmother and I have been talking, and we would like you to come and work for HSH."

"What? What would I do?"

Christopher led her to the couch and had her sit down.

"Kiddo, many years ago your grandfather bought some publishing companies in England. Under your grandmother's guidance we recently acquired more publishing companies both here and in England, and we need someone who knows about journalism to help guide them. I know you are in between jobs, and this is something we think that you would enjoy doing, plus you would be doing us a big favor."

She looked at her father shocked, "Dad really, I don't know what to say? I don't know much about publishing."

"That's where you are wrong. Your best friend out there owns a successful publishing house. I am sure he could give you advise, and he is an author, correct?"

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