Chapter 22 Connecting the Dots

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Chapter 22    Connecting the Dots

Rory left her father in the kitchen and walked into her bedroom. She thought about Finn's message and wondered if Colin had told Logan that she was going to inherit the Hayden and Son publishing company. This bothered her that Logan travels to Stars Hollow looking for her. She wondered who he spoke to and if he was asking questions about her. Logan told her what he was going to do. Point blank he said he was going to marry Odette and follow the dynastic plan. Now that Logan admitted to her that he was engaged to be married to the chosen wife, she said her goodbye and returned the key to him for the house in Maine. If he changed his mind it was too late, she is moving on, and after last night she realized that Tristan could offer her love, support, happiness and security that Logan never could..

She went to the nightstand by her bed and picked up her phone that was on the charger. She frowned when she realized that she had a missed call. She hit play and sat on her bed to listen to it.

"Good morning, Beautiful. I wanted to hear your voice before I go into surgery this morning. Call me after you get this message."

Smiling she thought about their discussion last night before he went to the ER and knew that being with him was the right choice. She started to call him, but her phone rang just as she was punching in the numbers.


"Ror, it's me; I am on my way to Philadelphia, and I thought I would check in," Jess said sitting back in his seat on the train.

"Hi Jess, how was your weekend with Paris."

"Fine. Was yours better after we saw you?"

"Yes, I spent Saturday with Tris and his parents and we went on a wine tour where I had a great idea about some articles. But, Jess, my father has offered me a job."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember I mentioned that my grandmother had said she wants me to help my dad with his company?"

"Yes, but I thought you weren't interested since it involves international law."

"Well they own some publishing companies, and it seems that the Huntzbergers want to buy them. My grandmother doesn't want to sell it, and she feels that since I'm a journalist, I would be perfect for taking over the company. So she is rewriting her will so that I inherit this company."

"Huntzbergers? Huh. Do you know what publishing companies your father owns?"

"No, we didn't go into detail why?"

"Just curious. We are always looking for new publishing companies to work with. Are you considering doing it?"

"Jess, I don't know what to do. What do I know about running a business?"

"As much as I did when I started here at Truncheon Books. Ror, I can help you, and so will Matt and Christopher. They both like you and our company is expanding so let me run some things through Chris and Matt."

Rory didn't say anything for a moment, "Jess... I just don't think I'm cut out to run an international company. "

"Listen, I know seeing Logan upset you, but don't make any decisions right away." Jess decided to change the subject. " Why don't you tell me about this idea you have?"

"I got this idea to write a series of articles to use in the Yankee Gazette while we were visiting the wineries. What if I write articles featuring the wineries in Connecticut, you could even put it in the Stars Hollow Gazette and the Woodberry Times. I was thinking I could call it "Let's Wine a Little." I could use the byline Wine Virgin or WV, so it doesn't get confused with anything else I write. While we were at the wineries, I took some notes on the tasting sheets, and I found out many local restaurants serve the local wine, so I thought I could also talk about the wine and food industry."

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