Chapter 12 Confession

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Chapter 12 Confession

Connor left the cafe leaving Ethan sitting there thinking about Lorelai Hayden and how he could ask her out on a date. He knew that Tristan implied that he was taking her out, but Ethan decided that Tristan always got the girl and he could use some competition. However, Ethan wasn't the only one thinking about Rory Gilmore that day.

Logan was back in his flat in England wondering if Rory had heard about the engagement yet. He was beside himself with worry when he heard that she had to go to the hospital. Logan wanted to call her father and ask him for her phone number, but then remembering that they were not very close, he decided it wouldn't be a good idea. Christopher probably didn't know that they had been dating again anyway. Looking at her photograph on his phone, Logan thought back to the last time he held her in his arms, in the Inn in New Hampshire. Why didn't she tell him to marry her his fate was sealed with Odette. He wondered if she regretted saying goodbye, as much as he did. Logan, looking at the clock on his computer, noticed the time. It was seven pm, he should leave the office, but instead, he picked up the phone and dialed Finn.

"Morgan here," Finn responded on the first ring.

"Where are you, Finn?"

"At my father's bloody office on Fifth Ave. in Manhattan. What's up mate?"

"Have you found Rory yet?"

"No, not yet. I have checked all the hospitals in the Hartford area, and no one that fits her description has been admitted to any of the hospitals. There was a Hayden who is an elderly woman that was admitted yesterday with a heart attack."

"That's her grandmother, I wonder if she will go and visit her. Is Colin in Hartford?"

"I don't know. The last time I heard from Colin, he was busy working on an inheritance case. When I called him, he told me that he was busy, and he couldn't talk. He wanted to meet later for drinks. Hopefully, I will see him before I leave for the west coast." Finn heard a buzz and looked at his computer. It was a reminder for his next meeting.

"Logan, I will call you later. I have a meeting shortly with my agent. If I get this role, I won't have to spend any more time here in Manhattan, and I can go back to California. Laters."

Logan looks at his phone and ends his call with Finn and smiles. Finn hates the cold at this time of the year in New York, and he doesn't blame him. Logan really hopes that his friend will get the job in California, at least the weather will be a lot warmer there than it is here or in Hartford. Logan moves his mouse on his computer, and it wakes up. He opens the folder that was labeled Hayden Corp., looking through it he decides that this was going to be his pet project. As he rereads the documents, Logan realizes that if they purchase these companies, he could hire Rory to work as one of the VP's. If he does that, then he could go through with the wedding as his family planned. They would have the money they need to update the companies, and they could finally be together. Logan quickly sends a message to Colin and his dad.

Logan – Dad, taking the plane back to Hartford in a few days. I have an idea how to get the publishing companies. L

Colin – get the guys together. I will be returning to Hartford in a few days. L


The Uber driver dropped Rory off in front of her house, using her key she walked in the front door.

"Eunice, I'm back," she yelled. She walked into the kitchen and noticed that Eunice wasn't there. She wrote her a message telling her that she was home and that she was going to take a nap in her room.

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