Chapter 36 Apartment Hunting

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Authors note,

During these difficult times that we are facing, I hope to be able to give you something to read.  I want to thank my followers for their patience and continued support with my story.  It has been a while since I added my next chapter, but I needed to end the first part of Life Choices Challenges and Changes before I continued with that series. 

I enjoy writing Taking Back Control and I plan on adding more of the chapters that are written as soon as I have them revised and edited.  My Betta has been busy, so I have been doing most of the revisions of my self.

Please continue to add your comments, they help me with the writing of my stories.

Here is Chapter 36 Apartment Hunting, I hope you enjoy this chapter as Lorelai helps Rory find the right apartment in Hartford.  Stay safe and Healthy.

Chapter 36 Apartment Hunting

Between the interruptions from both Eric and Colin, Rory found she no longer could concentrate. Packing up her laptop, Rory decided to leave and return early tomorrow with coffee for Colin. First, she would stop at HR to pick up the files she needed. Rory took the main elevator to the HR department on the 25th floor. Leaving the elevator, she opened the glass door where the receptionist greeted her.

"Hello. May I help you?"

"Yes, I'm Rory Gilmore, and I sent an email earlier requesting the folders on some candidates for the position of my PA."

"Yes, Ms. Gilmore. I think Ms. Marble has the information you need. Just a moment while I check to see if she is available now."

Rory took a seat in the brightly decorated office that had shelves of books hanging on the walls. Noticing the titles, Rory stood up to check out the shelves. Hearing voices, she looked down the hall and saw Eric and another man following DJ Dimara into one of the offices.

The receptionist, Cinnamon, returned with an attractive woman in her mid-sixties.

"Ms. Gilmore."

Rory turned and walked to the woman dressed in a tailored black suit with a lavender blouse and a pearl glass holder around her neck where her glasses hung. Her silver hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and she held out her hand as she walked towards Rory.

"Miss Gilmore, it's so nice to meet you," Sue Marble said, shaking Rory's hand. "I believe you met Cinnamon Walters, my receptionist. You can call me Sue."

"Hello," Rory replied, shaking her hand. "Did you receive the email I sent earlier?" Rory asked her.

"I did. You are interested in hiring a PA."

"Yes, my father and Aurora suggested I do that immediately. Aurora gave me a list of potential candidates. Since I won't be in the office this afternoon, I thought I would come and pick up the folders myself and save everyone some time."

"I do have those files for you in my office. Why don't we go back and look them over?"

"Thank you, "Rory replied, following her down the hall to an office with large narrow windows that had a view of the river. Rory sat on a comfortable grey love seat. Sue walked over to her desk and pulled up the files she had out.

"Your office is lovely," Rory said as she looked around at the modern furniture and sleek black desk.

"Thank you, Morgan & Morgan Enterprises came in about a year ago and remodeled this whole floor for us," Sue said as she took the seat opposite of Rory's.

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