Chapter 3 Unexpected Savior

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10 pm

Tristan had three scheduled surgeries after Rory's emergency surgery. He hoped he would be able to check in on her before dinner, but it didn't happen. He was called in for another surgery at six and now four hours later he finally was able to leave the operating room. April one of the nurses on the surgical floor that Rory was on, saw him get off the elevator. They had been on a few dates together and since her shift was over shortly she was hoping he was coming to see her, maybe they could go out for a drink.

"Hello Tristan, oops I mean Doctor. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Oh, hello April. No, where's Maggie?" he asked her glancing around the nurse's station for Maggie, the nurse he asked Cassandra to put in charge of Rory.

"She just went to check on Miss Gilmore. Are you sure I can't help you?"

"No thank you."

April stood there and watched as Tristan, still dressed in his scrubs, walked down the hall to Rory's room. Maggie was just leaving and he stopped her.

"How is she doing?"

"The fever is down. I just gave her another antibiotic. She is having trouble sleeping. Should I give her something?"

"Is she in a lot of pain?"

"I asked her and she said she was okay, but I think she is."

"I'll go check and then let you know."

Tristan walked into her room. Her television was on and she was watching an old Twilight Zone episode called the Long Morrow.


She looked up at him and he came and stood by her bed. Looking at her he noticed the tears in her eyes.

"What are you watching?"

"The Long Morrow. It was our favorite episode. We were supposed to have a love like that."

Tristan sat on her bed and took her hand. She continued to talk opening up to him.

"But he couldn't wait. It was always on his terms. So then we had Vegas."

Tristan didn't say anything, he just listened gently rubbing the back of her hand. He wanted to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay. He was a doctor he could heal her body, but he wanted to do much more. He wanted to see her smile. The smile he remembered from high school. He wanted to tease her like he did when they were younger.

"Vegas?" he asked her.

She looked at him and said, "You know what happens in Vegas.."

"Stays in Vegas," he responded. "But what happened?"

"He became engaged.. but when I said goodbye, he had to come back and we had one night. I should have said no. Why do I let him get to me? I'm the other women all over again." She let go of his hand and turned on her side and cried silently.

Tristan got on the bed and laid beside her and put his arms around her, He knew this wasn't professional, but she wasn't a stranger she was Mary, his Mary and she needed him.

"Mary," he whispered.

"My name isn't Mary,"

He chuckled, "I know but you will always be my Mary."

She looked over her shoulder at him, and he put his chin on her shoulder.

"Hey, look at me."

She rolled over on her back and he sat up and leaned over her.

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