Chapter 15 Secrets Shared

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Chapter 15 Secrets Shared

Rory pulled the chair closer to her grandmother's bed. Taking her grandmother's hand in hers they began to talk.

"You are here early," Francine said to her.

"I am," she said, "Tristan surprised me this morning, and called me when he got off duty and invited me to breakfast. He surprised me and took me to Stars Hollow so he could meet mom and Luke."

"That was nice of him. Rory, you seem to like this young man," Francine said to her.

"I do grandma. He told me today that he came to Stars Hollow looking for me after he graduated from Military School."

""I never realized that you both went to Chilton together. So you knew him there," Francine said to her.

"Yes, I only knew him for a year. Tristan was a flirt and he had this habit of teasing me and calling me Mary. Mom gave him a nickname and we referred to him as Bible Boy. Then he left Chilton and went to Military school at the middle of our Junior year," Rory said.

Francine watched her granddaughter smile as she mentioned how the young man teased her in school.

"I remember when his parents made the decision to send him to Military school. That was a difficult choice for his parents to make and for his grandfather to accept. So you never saw him when he came to Stars Hollow? When was that?" Francine asked her.

"That was the summer I graduated from Chilton and went backpacking through Europe with my mom. If I was home that summer things might have been different," Rory said thinking about Dean and Logan.

"Did you like him back then?" her grandmother asked her.

"I don't know, maybe. When I graduated from Chilton I no longer had a boyfriend. I had thought about Tristan after he left, but he never contacted me, and I had no way to get in touch with him. With him leaving we never had a chance to get to know each other that way," she said thinking back to the summer when Jess left, and Dean married Lindsay right after graduation.

Francine patted her granddaughter's hand, "Rory never worry about the what if's in life. I learn that there are things we cannot change or control. They will happen. Life has their own plans for us. Sometimes the things that are unexpected turn out to be the best gifts. Like you my dear."

Rory smiled at her grandmother and leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"You seem very happy, and your father and I are glad to see that smile on your face. We have been worried about you," her grandmother said. Rory adjusted the blankets for her grandmother and poured more water in her cup.

"Rory, you mentioned Dean. Is he the young man you went to the cotillion with?

"Yes, Dean and I dated in high school. Funny Tristan and Dean never liked each other, and now they work together," Rory told her.

"But you dated that young Huntzberger boy, correct? Emily led me to believe that you two had a serious relationship," she asked her.

"Oh well, umm, yea, but it's over now. What did grandmother say?" Rory said.

"Emily spoke of him often. She was so enraptured by the Huntzbergers. I never could understand why, but she was so sure you were going to marry him. However, I was glad to hear that you broke up with the young Huntzberger," Francine told her.

"Yes, grandma and Shira were friends and at first when we broke up, they were disappointed. Grandpa understood that it was important for me to go off and work, but Grandma Emily never really understood," Rory said.

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