Chapter 46 Changes

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Chapter 46 Changes

On Monday morning, Rory was lying awake when her alarm went off. Rolling over to her side, she reached for her phone and noticed it was six-thirty. The house was still quiet, so she laid there a while longer, remembering last night.

Tristan arrived around noon to take her to Mill on the River so they could enjoy brunch with his parents. After their meal, they returned to his apartment, where they decide to relax and watch television. Rory went upstairs to the loft, where Tristan had mounted a seventy-five-inch tv n the wall in the center of the entertainment center. She relaxes on the overstuffed leather couch, waiting for Tristan. A few minutes later, he arrives with a bottle of beer for himself and a glass of wine for her. Handing Rory the glass of wine, he sits beside her and picks up the remote from the coffee table. Tristan turns on the gas fireplace and then the TV. He sits back and puts his arm on the back of the couch behind Rory, holding the remote. Immediately the football game appears. Shaking her head, Rory tries to grab the remote from him.

"No football," she says, wrinkling up her nose.

Tristan raises his eyebrows at her and holds the remote above her head.

"I control the remote," he cautioned, pointing the remote at the tv and raising the volume level.

"Is this a man thing?" she inquires.

Tristan looks down at her and smirks. Rory kneels on the couch beside him and reaches for the remote. Tristan starts chuckling and pushes Rory down on her back on the sofa. He hovers above her, trying to distract her by planting kisses on her face, neck, and collarbone. Rory squirms and rolls off the couch, grabbing the remote from him. She tries to get up off the floor when Tristan lifts her around the waist, taking the remote and tossing it on the coffee table. Playfully, Tristan begins to tickle her as Rory squirms on his lap, laughing hysterically.

"You're not playing fair," she giggles.

"Who said anything about fair?" he responds as he begins to kiss her neck, nibbling her ear.

Rory moans, turning her head to return his kiss. Tristan slides Rory off his lap and lays her on the couch. Playfully, Tristan leans over her, quickly kissing Rory on the lips. Rory tries to return his kiss, but he moves his head up quickly so she can't reach him. He smirks as he hovers above her pecking her on the lips, not letting her return the kiss. Becoming frustrated, she slips her hand under his shirt and tries to tickle him. Quickly Tristan grabs both of her hands and puts them above her head. Laughing, she smirks, staring up at him.

"What are you going to do?" she asks.

Leaning over her, Tristan rubs his nose against hers. "Hmm..."

Tristan stares back, a mischievous grin forming on his lips. He wraps his left hand around her tiny wrists and holds them above her head. Tristan places his right hand on the hem of her shirt, slowly sliding it up her body. He leans down, kissing her abdomen and tracing his tongue up towards her chest. Rory moans. She suddenly craves the feel of his skin against hers, the soft brush of his chest hair, the firm muscles, his scent. Grabbing his shirt, Rory pulls it up, gliding her fingers through his chest hair. She looks into Tristan's eyes, seeing his desire for her. Rory hesitates, worrying that she is moving too fast.

Removing her hand from his chest and letting his shirt fall, she asks, "Why do you want to watch a football game when we can be doing something else?"

Tristan presses his lips on hers, helping her up. Leaning forward, he hands her the glass of wine and picks up the remote. Understanding her hesitancy, Tristan puts his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to him, and points the remote at the TV.

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