Chapter 40 Changes at the Publishing Companies

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TAKING Back Control

Chapter 40 Changes at the Publishing Companies

Logan was standing in the bathroom when he heard Colin leave. He was glad that he took Colin's offer to stay here with him until he found an apartment. Staying at the family home or with his sister was not an option. His life is going to change today, and he will no longer be under the control of his father. Should he find a place here in Hartford or move to New York City? How was he going to win Rory back? Should he offer Rory a job at HPG after he restructures it? Would his grandfather control him as his father has?

Logan turned on the shower and got in. Putting his head under the water, he thought about last night's poker game. He needed that poker night with the guys. Logan did well, winning quite a few hands. But the best part was watching the scowl come across Robert's face when he won the last hand. That was priceless. Robert still was all bluster and bluff, and Logan had no difficulty reading him. He remembered the time that they taught Rory to play poker. After three lessons, Rory joined them in a game of strip poker and won every hand, leaving them in their boxers and briefs. He stopped the game before Robert lost his last article of clothing. Leaving the game to return to her dorm room, Rory admitted that her mother had taught her how to play poker using their candy stash instead of money.

After the poker game, Logan found it difficult to sleep. He had another dream about Rory. This dream was so vivid, and looking down, he noticed that he was aroused again. Logan adjusted the water temperature to cold, hoping that this will help. He couldn't go to see his grandfather with a semi hard-on. Realizing that the cold water didn't help, he adjusted the temperature of the water and decided to take matters into his own hand. Squirting the shower gel into his hand, Logan began to stroke himself. Closing his eyes, he remembered the last night they were together.

Finn, Robert, and Colin went with Logan back to Stars Hollow to celebrate Rory's birthday. Wearing Gorilla Masks and Steampunk costumes, they arrived at dusk in Stars Hollow. After a wild night of drinking, dancing, and a lot of Tomfooleries, they ended up at a quaint inn that Colin purchased in New Hampshire. Logan offered Rory her a room, but when they kissed, they both knew that they needed to be together.

Closing his eyes, he stroked himself, remembering her soft, silken skin on his and the way their tongues twisted and twirled in each other's mouth. Without thinking, they had unprotected sex, but he wasn't worried since she had been on birth control for years. The taste of her and her scent came back... it was a balm as he squeezed himself and began to take long hard strokes on his growing erection. Bracing one hand on the tile, he stood there groaning as he stroked himself to orgasm. This orgasm was powerful, just like the one he remembered having with her in New Hampshire. Closing his eyes, he leaned against the cool tile and finally composing himself he finished his shower. He quickly shaved, dressed, and left Colin's apartment to head to Trinity Hill to meet his grandfather.

Logan was late when he arrived at his grandfather's cottage home at eight. As he pulled into the driveway, he was surprised to see a Cadillac with Georgia plates parked there. Grabbing the box of coffee and bag of pastry that he picked up at the Blue Slate Cafe, he knocked at the door and waited for someone to answer. Logan didn't wait long when his Aunt Kat appeared at the door.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you until next week," Logan said, setting the bag and the coffee on the table by the door. His Aunt Kat hugged her nephew that she hadn't seen in twenty years.

Taking the box of pastry from Logan, she followed him into the kitchen coffee where he put the box of coffee on the counter.

"Gramps, I brought coffee," Logan said as he walked into the kitchen.

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