Chapter 5 Safe Haven

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Chapter 5 Safe Haven

Rory was released from the hospital the next morning. Before she left Nolan, the head Physical Therapist came and evaluated her. He and Rory discussed what was needed, and they decided that Krissi, his partner, would come to her home and work with her instead of having her return to the hospital since she wasn't allowed to drive. Christopher came to pick her up, and by noon she was at her grandmother's house sitting in her new bedroom. The guest bedroom on the first floor was set up for her, and not long after, Lane and Zac arrived bringing her more of her clothes and books. Once she was comfortable in the room, she decided to call Jess.

"Truncheon Books, Jess Mariano speaking."

"Jess, it's me. I got a new phone, and I wanted you to have the number."

"Hi Rory. I've been worried about you. I called Paris this morning and she told me that you are staying at your father's home in Hartford."

"Yes, I'm staying here for the next six to eight weeks. Are you still coming up?"

"Yes, if I'm not there by Wednesday evening then I'll be there by Thursday. Is this your new number?"

"Yes, you can get rid of the other phone numbers. I am down to one phone."

"Thanks, Ror, can I call you back?. Matt just walked into my office. I'm glad you are out of the hospital. I promise that I'll call you later."

Rory said goodbye and pulled the blankets up over her shoulder; she cuddled in the comfortable king size bed, but the bed felt big and lonely. She thought of the king size bed that she had shared with Logan. How he would hold her in his arms, kiss her, telling her how much he loved her. Then she remembered why she was here alone. Words were one thing, but action speaks louder than words, but his recent decision of staying engaged to the French Heiress proved to her that his love for her meant nothing, empty, meaningless words. Rory now knew that she was right to change her number and in her heart, she knew she needed to forget about him for her to heal. Would she ever find someone, or would she be like her mother bouncing from one man to another not knowing that someone was there waiting for her?

Rory had fallen asleep and woke with a start when her grandmother, Francine, knocked at her door.

"Rory are you up for some company?"

She rolled over and said, "I am not sure. Who is it?"

"It's your doctor friend, Janlan's grandson."

"Tristan? I look awful, uh, can you tell him just a moment? Mmm, grandma, I hate to ask you this, but I need to go to the bathroom. Do you think Eunice, your maid could help me?"

"I just sent her to the market. Wait here dear. I will get your grandfather's walker and maybe with that I could help you get into the bathroom."

Rory was wearing her father's old Princeton sweatpants that he gave her to wear and Logan's old Yale t-shirt that she loved to wear. She didn't understand why she kept it except that it was big and comfortable. She didn't want Tristan to see her wearing this, so she decided to change. She grabbed a pink long sleeve crew neck pullover that Lane had brought and slipped into a pair of yoga pants that were also in the suitcase.

Rory smooth her hair out of her face and quickly pulled it back. Looking at the bedside table, she found the hair tie that she had used before and pulled her hair in a messy bun. The door opened, and instead of it being her grandmother it was Tristan.

"I told Grandma to have you wait."

"Well there is no reason for your grandmother to go searching for an unsafe walker when I can lift you up like this," he said lifting her up, " and carry you into the bathroom."

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