Champagne Walk

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I want to take this time to apologize for the delays on the chapter for Taking Back
Control. I finally have recovered the chapters I have written, and I still have many more to write for this story.

Howeveneeded of a Beta Reader. If anyone out there has the time and interest to help me check my story, I would appreciate the help.

Please send me a message if you are interested.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy Chapter 56, Champagne Walk.

TBC Chapter 56 – Champagne Walk

Tristan's father slowed as they entered the town of Collinsville. The traffic was backed up for a mile, so he decided to move to the right lane, so he was able to exit onto Maple Street. When he got to the exit, he turned left toward Maine Street and asked, "Gwen, where should we park?"

Gwen was sitting beside Rory in the back seat. Looking out the window, she suggested, "Why don't we head toward the stores? They usually have parking lots down there."

"It's been three years since we've been here," she told Rory. "I don't remember many of these stores."

Rory put her hand on top of Gwen's. "Would you like me to text my mom and find out where they parked? They had to come early to set up the booth."

"Yes, that's a great idea. She might know where we sign in and where we pick up the champagne glasses too. When we came three years ago, there was a booth in the center of town where we registered." Gwen replied.

Rory sent her mother a text message and waited for her to reply. Her phone rang her mother's ringtone, and she answered it immediately.

"Rory. Where are you?" her mother asked.

Rory looked out the window and asked Tristan, "Where are we?"

"We are on Bridge St," he told her.

"Bridge Street," she told her mother. Rory heard her mother talking to someone then Luke's voice came on the phone.

"Rory, are you driving?" he asked her.

"No, Tristan's father is," she told him.

"Okay give Tristan the phone." Rory handed Tristan the phone.

"Tristan," Luke said, "Where exactly on Bridge St. are you?"

"John's Lawn Care is coming up on our left."

"Okay, take Bridge St. to the light and turn left onto Main St. There is parking there. When you get to the light, call me back. I will meet you at the parking entrance at the museum. I have a parking permit allowing you to park in the museum parking lot."

"Thanks, Luke."

Tristan explained to his father where Luke wanted them to park. When they got to the light, Tristan called Luke back. "We are waiting at the light now."

"I'm leaving now. Go toward the museum. There is a parking entrance on the corner of Depot and Main. I'll meet you there."

Tristan passed the phone back to Rory, and five minutes later, they saw Luke. Luke handed the ticket to Jack and then drove into the parking area. Pressing the window down, Tristan introduced Luke to his parents.

They parked the car and met Luke at the front entrance. Jack placed the pass on the dashboard, and an attendant directed them to a spot near the museum's back entrance. They walked down the block to the Antique on the Farmington, where many vendors had their booths set up.

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