Chapter 43 Taking The Next Step

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CHAPTER 43   Taking the Next Step

Saturday morning Logan was sitting around the conference table at HPC. Joining him was his new lawyers, Jordan and Ariel Chase, Oscar and Colin McCrae, his sister, his aunts Millie and Meredith, his Uncle Alec, and his grandfather. The aunts were talking to Honor as Logan spoke to his lawyers. Elias sat at the head of the table, deep in conversation with Oscar and Alec. Bridget entered the room with his cousin, Matt Madison, following close behind. Elias looked up and watched as his youngest grandson stroll in, straightening out his tie.

"So glad you decided to join us, Matthew," Elias said sarcastically.

"I wouldn't miss your summons, Gramps," Matt replied, rolling his eyes as he shook the older man's hand.

Matt walked around the table, kissing his mother, who whispered, "Behave yourself." He snickered as he hugged his Aunt Meredith and kissed his cousin Honor on the cheek

"Sorry I'm late," he said to his uncle Alec and Grandfather as he shook his uncle's hand. "The plane was late arriving; then I had to wait for the Uber. I didn't realize we were so far from Kennedy airport."

"That's my fault. I should have told you to fly into Hartford when I booked your flight. I hope your flight was uneventful?" Alec told his nephew, patting his shoulder.

Matt raised his eyebrows at his uncle. Taking a seat beside his cousin Logan, he whispered, "If you enjoy sitting in the middle seat over the wing between an overweight man who had beans for breakfast and a grandmother who talked endlessly about her grandchildren. Yes, very uneventful."

Logan laughed, "I take it you didn't ride first class."

Matt frowned, "I could be so lucky. What did I miss?"

"Nothing yet." Logan chuckled as he patted his cousin on the shoulder, watching Bridget whisper into his grandfather's ear. Elias nodded, then cleared his throat.

"Change of plans. It seems that Mitchum isn't coming to the meeting. Mitchum called Bridget and told her that he is taking Shira to Palm Springs and will stay with her."

"Why didn't he call me?" Honor exclaimed. "I just organized mom's home health nurse and physical therapy along with reorganizing my schedule so I can sit on her board meetings. The least he could do is contact me." Honor was furious. Her aunt Millie put her hand on hers and whispered to her. Logan watched as Honor nodded.

"I don't like the idea of mom being alone with him right now," Logan said under his breath. Looking at his grandfather, he asked. "Did he say why?"

"Knowing Mitchum, he has gone off to regroup and figure a way out of this situation," his uncle mumbled.

"Bridget, I think it's important that everyone here knows exactly what Mitchum told you on the phone," Elias told her.

Nodding, Bridget said, "Yes, Mr. H., Mitchum said that he was taking Shira to Palm Springs to recuperate. He called her doctor and the spa to arrange her therapy there. They will be staying there for at least four weeks, and he plans on calling Honor later tonight. He also said to tell Logan and you, Mr. H., that you will be hearing from his lawyers."

Logan sighed, looking over at his Grandfather. He wondered how he messed his life up like this. Rory was gone, and the company could be in ruins because of the funds his father embezzled.

"Well, I'm not surprised, Dad. Mitchum finally has been caught, and he doesn't want to face us," Alec responded. "Logan, you have nothing to worry about. You did the right thing by contacting us." Looking around the table, Alec glared at his father and said, "I think it's time to proceed with our meeting." Elias smiled at his youngest son. He nodded. "Yes, I agree," Elias responded. "Bridget, would you stay and take the minutes of today's meeting. Logan, please introduce the new lawyers you have hired to represent the firm. We also will be joined by Mr. Seth Brady through teleconference. He is at our New York office and wasn't able to join us this morning. "

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