Chapter 6 I Will Be Okay

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Chapter 6      I Will Be Okay

Paris returned with Tristan when he called her on the way to the pharmacy telling her about the pain that Rory was having. Rory was surprised when she woke up and saw Tristan there.

"I can't believe they let you out without making sure you went to the bathroom," Paris muttered, as she assisted Rory into the bathroom and stayed with her while she used the medicine he prescribed.

"Paris, it's okay, I will be fine. It is a common mistake," she said trying to calm her down.

"Rory, I am worried about you. So please take this medicine daily, drink the prune juice or a hot cup of tea with the Metamucil in it and eat oatmeal or other food with fiber."

"Yes mom," she replied with a teasing smile on her face trying to calm Paris down.

Rory and Tristan smiled at her as they watched Paris cluck around her like a mother hen. Finally, when Paris left, Rory relaxed and so did Tristan. Christopher joined her and Tristan in the family room where she was lying on the couch.

"I have to go home now, but I will be back in a few days. Please remember to use the walker and to take your medicine," Tristan said as he stood up.

"I will make sure she does," Christopher assured him as he walked the young doctor to the door.

"Thank you for your concern over my daughter. Will she be okay?"

"Yes, she will heal, and it's no problem. I am glad I can help her." Tristan turned and walked out the door. Chris watched and realized that Tristan was treating his daughter differently than his other patients. He had a feeling that there was a special connection between the two of them.

Rory took the medicine that was prescribed for her for the next four days. She was walking around the house better using the walker that Tristan brought to her that he picked up from the hospital. She was beginning to feel like herself again and began to look forward to the visits from Paris and Tristan.

On the fifth day of being out of the hospital and staying at her father's, Rory finally called her mother.

"Hi mom, how's Fiji?" she said when she got a hold of them.

"Oh it is beautiful here, you would love it. So tell me what the doctor said. I have been worried about you."

"I'm fine; my doctor said it was a false positive due to the birth control that I had been on."

"Oh good, have you changed your birth control yet? Isn't Paris and OB-GYN? Maybe you should give her a call and ask her what you should take."

"Well, I am in the process of doing that. So tell me how much longer you will be there?"

They talked for fifteen minutes before Lorelai told her that she had to leave since they were on their way to breakfast when Rory called. There was a sixteen-hour time difference, and Rory had to remember that when she made the phone call. Rory hung up her phone and remembered that she forgot to tell her mother where she was now living. Well, she had another nine days before they returned. She would enjoy her time here before they came back

Krissi, the Physical Therapist from the hospital, arrived the next morning at nine am. After working for an hour with her, Rory walked without the walker with Krissi, and they sat together in the sunroom. Rory sighed, and tears began to drip out of the corner of her eyes. Krissi took her hand in hers and said, "Rory, I know this is hard, but I want you to know you can do this. Two years ago, I went through the same thing. It was devastating, and I lost one of my Fallopian tubes, but last year, I gave birth to twins."

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