Chapter 2 Looking for Someone?

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Chapter 2      Looking for Someone?

Finn was lounging in Robert's apartment on 64th St. in Manhattan. They were waiting for Colin to come over before they hit the clubs in the city.

"Have you heard from mother at all since New Hampshire?" Robert asked Finn as he handed him a glass of scotch.

"No, nothing. When I call her cell phone it goes right to her voicemail. Didn't Logan say something about poor cell reception there?"

"I am not sure. He never confided in me about her. So is he really going to marry that plastic French Barbie doll? I don't like her."

"Hmpf, bloody hell she is such a witch."

"I have a better name for her"

"For who?" Colin said as he walked into Robert's apartment without knocking.

All three men had keys to one another's apartments and never thought anything of it when they walked in. They had done that when they lived together at Yale and it didn't stop now that all three of them were successful businessmen and listed as the most eligible bachelors on page six. They dated models, actresses, and royalty but they never found anyone they wanted to stay with. Robert almost got married but at the last minute decided against it. He was not only a wealthy financial analyst on wall street but did photography in his spare time photographing models, and actors, having studios in both Manhattan and in California.

Colin was a lawyer and part of his father's successful Law Firm now called McCrae and Son which recently merged with Hayden and Sons. Seeing his father married to a plethora of women he decided to stay free as a bachelor and never committing to anyone.

Finn was traveling the world, as the face of his father's multibillion-dollar enterprise. Finn had been a model in his high school years and kept his athletic physique, keeping a tight regiment of working out, at the pool and the gym and watching his diet. His drinking had slowed down once leaving Yale, but whenever he was with Colin, Logan, and Robert the drinking would start up again. Recently because of his rugged good looks, he was an actor in a prime-time television series. He didn't have to do it, but he enjoyed playing the character parts on a variety of television shows. He recently completed a series called the Roadies and enjoyed it.

"Can you tell me again why Rory left him?" Robert said

"Because she has more self-respect than being his mistress," Colin replied sitting down on the chair across from Finn. Robert handed him a glass of scotch too.

"So have you heard from Mother at all?"

"No, it's like she disappeared. He really blew it this time. I thought when he found her in Hamburg that they would get together. But his brilliant idea of Vegas.. that was so wrong on so many levels."

"His brilliant idea of not waiting, when she told him not yet, after he proposed to her, was so wrong," Robert added.

"If I had a woman like Rory Gilmore, who was in love with me, I would never have cheated on her in Vegas, nor would I take her for granted and offer her my place in Maine, so she could sit and wait for me. She is not like the other women we know and date," Colin added.

The three men finished their drinks then they took off to the Norwood Club in the Chelsea area.


Christopher was in Boston at a meeting when his secretary interrupted him. He excused himself and walked out to his secretary's desk where he took the call.

"Hello this is Christopher Hayden," he said into the receiver of the phone."

"Hello, Mr. Hayden. I don't know if you remember me, but I am Rory's best friend Lane Van Gerber."

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