Chapter 54 - What Next?

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Chapter 54 – What Next?

It was 7 pm when the private plane touched down at Heathrow, taxing into the private airstrip. John Cooper, who had joined Logan on the aircraft, reviewed the items in the folder. They discussed various reasons why his grandfather or father had resorted to this agreement. John told Logan these documents proved that his grandfather was directly involved with the Dynastic plan, and he might be facing legal charges. The photos were not damaging but proved they used them to manipulate the situation. The question remained: how involved the Roitfields were, who initiated the plan, and why.

Once the plane stopped, John Cooper and Logan exited their private plane inside the hangar. They shook hands, and John got into the taxi waiting for him, and Logan got into the car Carson had sent.

Sitting in the car's back seat, Logan rested his head on the seat and closed his eyes. Logan could not put his mind at rest. He kept on thinking about the meeting he had with John Cooper. How had he gotten into this mess? When did his life change?

Glancing at his watch, Logan saw it was 1 am eastern time. Quickly opening an app on his new iPhone, he saw it was 8 pm in London. He hated traveling on these Atlantic flights, and he was glad that soon he would not be doing it anymore. Logan rested his head on the seat and looking out the window he watch the lights appear as they approach London.

Soon, the car stopped in front of his flat. The driver opened the door and handed Logan his carry-on bag. He thanked the driver and walked to the front door. Removing the keys from his pocket, he unlocked the door. As he entered the hall, he noticed boxes stacked in the hallway. Frowning, he wondered why they were still there since he had asked the cleaning service and Carson to ship those boxes before he left.

Logan walked up the next set of stairs into his flat and looked around. Nothing had changed. Odette never liked this place; when she finally moved in, she only kept a few personal items. She insisted they move into a penthouse in Mayfair after the wedding.

Logan felt relief knowing he would no longer be living here in London. He was tired of traveling. He missed his friends, family, and most of all, Rory. As soon as the issue of Odette and the restructure of HPC, he would tell Rory the truth. Carrying the bag into the bedroom, Logan flicked on the light switch and placed his bag on the chest at the foot of the bed. Logan walked to the dresser and noticed an envelope leaning against a small box. Picking up the envelope, he saw his name written across the front. He opened the envelope and walked toward the light pulling the single piece of paper out.


When your father first introduced us, I was immediately attracted to the handsome, intelligent American running the London office of HPC. I thought to myself, finally, here was someone that would make the perfect husband. Your family was already very wealthy and had political ties with many governments. Your father and grandfather were close acquaintances with my family, and by combing the two families, we would be a power couple that the media industry would not be able to compete.

I had no problem agreeing to her request when my mother suggested we meet. The more time we spent together, the more I liked you. I enjoyed our times together, but when you returned from Hamburg, you were no longer interested in sharing a bed with me. After speaking to your father, he confirmed that you were involved with someone else, and he was hoping that it was over. Then he found out that you and your old girlfriend had gotten back together. It was then that your family drew up the Dynastic Plan. He assured me that this contract would combine both families, and they would profit from it.

However, you pulled farther and farther away from me until your father finally managed to persuade your girlfriend to leave London, and that's when we were able to announce our engagement. I was not happy when you left and returned to see your friends in Connecticut in October. When you returned, I discovered that you had changed the original prenup. I became furious, and even though your mother assured me that your old girlfriend meant nothing to you, I didn't believe her.

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