Chapter 27 Revelations

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Chapter 27 Revelations

November 12

Christopher left his office and walked over to the young intern that he recently hired to help him out since he was working at both offices.

"Mark, would you call Colin McCrae and tell him that I am on my way up to his office to see Mr. Huntzberger."

"Of course, Mr. Hayden," Mark responded, "Also Mr. Hayden, the hospital called and wanted to know when you were coming over to see your mother."

"Please call them back and let them know that I will be there this afternoon, right after this meeting. Also, make sure that tomorrow, Aurora has my schedule cleared. I may need you to cover the meeting in Boston for me on Thursday."

"No problem, Mr. Hayden. Is there anything else?"

"My daughter, Rory, is in my office talking to DJ. Please make sure they are not disturbed. Thank you."

Mark nodded and immediately got on the phone to make the calls.

Christopher got off the elevator on the floor where McCrae Hayden had their law offices. Nodding at the receptionist, he walked directly to Colin's office where Logan was sitting with Colin having a drink.

Christopher knocked on the door.

"Come in," Colin said, sitting behind his desk.

Christopher walked directly over to where the men were sitting and put his hand out to shake Logan's hand. He smiled at Colin and said, "I'm sorry to barge in on your meeting. Logan, I received a message from DJ that you wanted to see me. I was on my way down from another meeting so I thought I would save you the trip upstairs."

Logan stood up and shook Christopher's hand.

"Thanks for coming down, Chris. Can we get you a drink?" Logan asked him.

"No, thank you, it's a little early for me. What's up?" Christopher replied, taking a seat across from Logan.

Christopher sat quietly, observing how relaxed Logan was sipping on his drink. Even though it was Colin's office, Logan appeared in control of his environment. Christopher smirked thinking how Logan had changed since he first met him at Yale when he dated his daughter. Logan had grown to become a very self-assured and shrewd businessman. He was curious about why he wanted to meet with him and wondered if he was looking for answers to where Rory was. Luke and Lorelai had told Chris that Logan had recently appeared in Stars Hollow asking about Rory, and he wondered if Colin had informed Logan about the changes in his mother's will that directly name Rory as the heir to Hayden Publishing. It didn't occur to Christopher that Colin didn't know Rory's legal name.

Logan's smiled at Christopher. "I wanted to talk to you about your company. When we met last time, you and my father had a meeting about selling Hayden Publishing. I was wondering what you decided to do. If it was still for sale or if you might be looking for someone to run it now that your mother is not well."


"Yes, I thought you might be looking for someone to take over for her at Hayden Publishing. I want you to know that I'm your man and I am interested in the job. I have experience and knowledge of the industry, and I'm looking to make a change. I know you might be cautious about hiring me because of my past relationship with your daughter, but I want to assure you that my personal life will not interfere with my professional life."

Christopher arched his eyebrows and asked," You would leave HPG?"

"Yes, I'm ready to move back to the states, and I know that I'm a perfect match for this publishing house," he said with confidence. Logan had told him that he was ready to purchase the business so he could hire Rory, maybe he changed his plans. Does he know where Rory is?

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