Chapter 30 Moving

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Chapter 30 Moving

In the next morning, Honor received a phone call from the hospital saying that their mother was responding well, and she would be released. Honor quickly made some phone calls to plan to have a private duty nurse to come to their home; then she called her father. After letting the phone ring six times, she left a message,

"Dad, I just received a phone call from the hospital, and mom is coming home today. Please call me."

Honor hangs up the phone disgusted.

"This is ridiculous, "she mumbled to herself. "Why do I have to be the adult in the Huntzberger clan!!!"

Thankfully noticing it was 9:30 she knew Logan would be in the office. She poured herself a mug of coffee and dialed his number. Honor knew her brother was her father's puppet, always there cleaning up the mess their father made. It seemed to come full circle. Like father like son. Honor had hoped that Logan would not follow in his footsteps, but when he gave up Rory and became engaged to Odette, she saw the writing on the wall. Now, she wondered with Odette's recent behavior if Logan was ready to cut those strings.

The phone rang, and a young female voice answered the phone.

"HPG. How can I direct your call?"

" Yes, this is Honor Huntzberger Levin. I need to speak to Logan Huntzberger," she said, briskly into the phone.

"Just a moment, please."

Honor stood in her kitchen, tapping her foot as she took a swallow of coffee. They needed to be at the hospital by eleven at the latest so they could speak to the doctor. Finally, a voice came on the phone, "Logan Huntzbergers office."

"Bridget? Hi, this is Honor. I need to speak to Logan; about our mother. Could you connect me please?"

"Of course, dear; right away."

Bridget was her father's secretary and his executive assistant. He always left her in charge of his office when he was away. Logan was on the other line talking to the florist ordering flowers to bring to the hospital later today to Mrs. Hayden. He wanted to speak to her about working for Hayden Publishing Company personally.

Bridget knocked on his door. "Mr. Huntzberger, your sister is on the other line."

Logan looked up and nodded. He quickly ended his call and picked up the phone.

"Honor, is mom alright?" he asked her with concern in his voice.

Logan was busier since his father left but realized that his mother's wellbeing and his sister was his responsibility, and he wasn't going to be like his father and ignore them.

"Yes, she's doing better. The hospital is releasing her, and I will need some help picking her up and bringing her back home."

"Can you have a driver pick you up, and then bring you and mom home in the town car?" he asked her as he looked at his watch and saw that it was after ten now.

"Absolutely... why didn't I think of that? I honestly had no idea how I would put her in my car with the car seats without changing cars with Josh, I mean what's the point of having money if you can't use it right, anyways when is the soonest you can be there."

Just say the word Hon, and I'll be on my way."

"Logan, I want to speak to the doctor before bringing her home so as soon as you can. I'm saying it now, "word."

Sometimes his sister is so literal; Logan thought to himself rolling his eyes.

"Why don't I meet you there in about thirty minutes. I need to speak to Bridget and rearrange my schedule," Logan told her.

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