Chapter 21 Watching Our for Your Friends

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Chapter 21 Watching Out for Your Friends.

Logan pulled up at Colin's home, and the four men walked into the guest house. Colin walks to his desk and pulls out a folder with takeout menus.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm starved. What type of food do you want? We have Peruvian, Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Japanese or American, " Colin said handing the folder to Robert as he carried over the bottle of scotch and glasses to the table for them.

"None, for me mate. I'll take club soda and lime if you have it." Finn said as he started to type a message to Rory.

"You're not drinking, Finn?" Logan asked as he poured himself a drink.

"No Mate, last night was enough for me. I'm fine with my club soda and lime." Finn quickly finished typing to Rory and put the phone away.

"Got a new girl, Finn? Seems like you have been checking your phone quite a bit today," Logan asked.

"Just a Shelia I know from the show I was on. We plan on connecting if I make it to the west coast. What has everyone decided on to eat?" Finn responded.

"This Peruvian restaurant sounds good," Robert said as he passed around the menu.

"Perfect mate, let's get a variety. Colin, you order, and Robert and I will go and pick it up."

Colin tapped the number into his phone for the restaurant on New Britain Ave. and placed an order.

"Hello, I would like to place an order for pickup, Yes the name is McCrae, Yes, we would like, Bisteck a Lo Pobre (Grilled steak served with white rice, French fries, fried sweet plantain, egg, and regular salad. ), Chaufa de Pollo -(Chicken strips mixed with fried rice, egg, scallion, and soy sauce), Pescado Entero Frito Pargo Rojo -(Whole fried fish, red snapper, served with white rice, fried yucca, and red onion salad), Camarones al Ajo- (Shrimp with garlic sauce, served with white rice and boiled potato or fried yucca) and 4 orders of Sustancia de Carne ( Beef soup with noodles). Okay, thank you see you then.

"Okay, Finn and Robert why don't you go and pick it up and stop by the liquor store and pick up us another bottle of scotch and whatever you want to drink," Logan said.

Finn and Robert got into Finn's car and they headed towards New Britain Ave.

"I know you aren't sending messages to some actress. What's going on Finn?" Robert asked him as they drove to the NBA Liquor Store that was down the street from the restaurant.

"I promised I wouldn't say," Finn replied turning on the radio to avoid answering any more questions. Robert quickly turned it off and looked at Finn.

"It's Reporter Girl, isn't it and you have her number. Is she okay?"

"Yes I saw her, and she's fine. I met her new boyfriend too," he responded sadly.

"Listen, Finn, I know you and Rory were close, and it would hurt you to see her back with Logan." Finn didn't say anything but stared out the window as he drove on the road.

Finally, Finn spoke, "Robert he needs to let her go. This chasing and looking for her is only making it worse. He agreed to his father's terms even though we advised him not to. He already hurt the only woman he ever loved but think about how he is hurting himself. Look at all the drinking he is doing. He is going to drink himself to death if he doesn't stop soon."

"Finn, when has Logan ever let things go. He's like a dog with a bone; I don't think he can. I agree he's drinking way too much. Do you think you're protecting him by not letting him know that you spoke to Rory?"

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