Chapter 47 Finding the Assistant

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Chapter 47 Finding the Assistant

Rory and Shepp sat in the conference room, going over the questions for her PA. They were reviewing the questions when Shepp's phone buzzed. Shepp noticed the time. It was ten-thirty.

"Rory, that was Cinnamon in reception. Our first candidate has arrived. Would you like to go and get her, or should we have Cinnamon walk her in?"

"What do you suggest?" she asked him.

"Let's have Cinnamon bring her in," Shepp replied. Shepp sent Cinnamon a message, then looked over at Rory. She appeared nervous as he watched her rub her hands on her skirt.

"Rory?" She looked up at him with her big doe eyes. "You will do fine." He stated, nudging her shoulder.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous," Rory shrugged. "I'm not the one getting the job.

Shepp started laughing, causing Rory to giggle. He stood up and opened the door, indicating that they were ready. Sitting back down, Shepp quickly sent a message to Eric.

Eric - We are beginning the interviews in five. - S

Shepp watched as the bubbles appeared on his phone.

Shepp - Good Luck. I'm meeting with Declan and Kai to discuss the options of bringing the Editing Team back upstairs on the thirty-fifth floor or leaving them on twenty-eight. I will send updates later. - E

Cinnamon knocked gently at the open door. An attractive woman dressed in a burgundy business suit was standing beside her. Rory and Shepp walked around the table as Cinnamon introduced them to the young women.

"Ms. Hayden, Dan, I would like you to meet London Hennessy. London, this is Dan Sheppard, the PA for Eric Brady, and Ms. Lorelai Hayden."

"It's nice to meet you, London," Dan said. "Please have a seat." Shepp held out a chair across the table from where they sat. Smiling at London, Rory asked

"Can I get you a glass of water?"

"No, thank you," London replies nervously. "It's nice to meet both of you, Miss Hayden and Mr. Sheppard."

Shepp opens the small leather portfolio he had in front of him and began. "Miss Hennessy, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?"

Biting her bottom lip, London pauses and collects her thoughts. She opens the bag she brought, pulls out a copy of her resume, and hands it to Shepp.

"I worked as a personal assistant in a small office in New York. I spent most of my time organizing my boss's calendar, making phone calls to set up photoshoots, babysitting his dog, picking up lunch, cleaning, and making sure the equipment and models appeared on time at the different locations."

"I see," Shepp said calmly, giving her a half-smile. "You worked for a photographer as an assistant, so what experience do you have in journalism and editing?"

"I worked on the high school newspaper and was an English major at St. Lawrence University, where I graduated with a degree in teaching."

"So, the only experience you had at editing was with a high school newspaper?" Rory asked her.

"Yes," she answered nervously.

"What brought you to this area?" Rory asked, looking at her resume.

"My boyfriend was the photographer. We were together for seven years before we broke up. I applied for a job here at Hayden Publishing. I figured that I might work in editing since I have had experience editing photos. I moved here when I was hired as a temp, working in many departments, including marketing and at the front desk in reception."

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